• Save the Canning River open areas from Urban Development
    We want people to join us in calling for Metropolitan Region Scheme Amendment 1365/57 to be overturned to prevent the senseless loss of this open area and the loss, and potential loss, of trees and habitat. You can visit the City of Canning's proposal here: https://www.yoursaycanning.com.au/scheme-amendment-no-5-and-structure-plan My husband and I have lived in the City of Canning for 40 and 20 years respectively. The Canning River is peaceful, and quiet. City of Canning families and residents, and visitors to the area, enjoy the waterway and bush areas every day on foot, kayak, paddle boards or on bicycles. The existing space currently provides a much needed buffer between the river, and the river's wildlife, and existing urban areas. Long neck turtles breed in the area and many forms of birdlife graze beneath and shelter in the amazing old trees on the land. It also provides a buffer for the Castledare Aged Care facility creating a quiet environment for those people to enjoy. The area is open so that people can stroll through it along or sit by the river and enjoy the peace and quiet. That is, of course except for once a month when families (and the young at heart!) come down and enjoy the miniature railway and the cheerful toot of the trains' horns. Creating an 'Urban Development' here will clash with the environment, the tranquility, the current use of the Castledare Railway, and will no doubt result in the area being closed off to protect younger residents from the risk that the waterway may present.
    127 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Katherine Sutton
  • Bendigo Workers Want Climate Action
    We need the Australian Government get on board with other countries with a real Climate Policy that will also transition Australian workers in to new clean and sustainable jobs. Bendigo workers want to see Australia invest in green energy and steel to reduce Australia's impact on our environment and secure the future for the next-generation of Australians. Bendigo is known as the 'City in the Forest' surrounded by farm land and amazing winery's, the result of the governments inaction on climate change will create job losses, decimate our agricultural and wine industries as well as having devastating effects on our beautiful city. With other counties committing to zero emissions within only a few decades Australian fossil fuels exports will decrease leaving workers to face job losses unless we have a plan. If others have a plan, it is time that we have a plan too. Australia should be part of the solution not the problem.
    61 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Luke Martin, Bendigo Trades Hall
  • Australia: Climate Action Now!
    The latest IPCC report is grave. The conservative targets set by the Paris Climate Agreement were set to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius. We are now currently on track to reach that level of warming in 2040. At that point, almost 1 billion people will face life-threatening heat waves at least once every 5 years. That's in addition to more floods, more droughts, worse heat, and rising sea levels. 1.5 degrees however is now a best case scenario. The report estimates that if we reach a 'high emissions future scenario' - which is consistent with what we're currently on track for - global warming above pre-industrial levels would rise to 5.7 degrees Celsius by 2100. That level of warming would be catastrophic. We need urgent action to address the climate crisis right now. The IPCC report argues that without "immediate, rapid and large-scale reductions", curbing emissions to even 2 degrees Celsius will be "beyond reach". Nowhere in the world is the level of immediate and large scale reductions required to meet these targets seen. Especially not in Australia. Australia ranks sixth highest in the world for greenhouse gas emissions per capita. When you consider greenhouse gasses emitted by Australian exported coal that figure expands significantly. Despite Australian emissions disproportionately escalating the climate crisis our government has displayed a commitment to expanding the fossil fuel industry. The government’s “Gas-Led Recovery” will see gas-fired power plants built to meet Australia’s growing energy requirements. The burning of gas will emit more greenhouse gasses, in particular methane which is even more dangerous than co2.
    44 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ahmed Azhar
  • Protect the Collingwood Community Garden!
    Operating since 1979, the Collingwood Community Gardens are under threat of being bulldozed. The destruction of this important cultural and community space was announced by Collingwood Children’s Farm Committee of Management on Thursday, 3 June. Citing ‘safety concerns’ such as uneven ground, the use of removable metal cladding and ‘piles of wood and sticks’ as the catalyst, the Committee of Management made the determination to indefinitely close the Gardens, situated on Crown land, without community consultation. There is no evidence that alternatives to the bulldozing of this important community space were considered, even after multiple volunteers offered to fix the issues cited in the report. For generations families have nurtured this space, using it as a place to share knowledge, connect with the earth and build community. Many Plotters (a warm term used by those that tend to the gardens) rely on these gardens for their food production, social activities, exercise and mental health. There are multiple stories of migrant families that have kept their culture and knowledge alive through the activities at the Gardens.
    3,243 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by Giles Fielke Picture
  • Tasmanian Fire Safety
    Tasmanians face the highest risk of death in a residential fire in Australia, but Tasmania has one of the lowest funded fire services in Australia, per capita, by the area covered or by risk. The North West Coast is particularly vulnerable compared to other areas of Tasmania, but there is only a single 24/7 crew in Burnie and Devonport while Hobart and Launceston have multiple 24/7 crews. Calls to building fires, road crash rescue, technical rescue, and hazardous material incidents require two or more crews to attend. Volunteers need more support to ensure that they have the training, equipment, and support to safely respond to fire incidents. The Tasmanian community faces a higher risk from residential fires and bushfires with minimal funding allocated to the fire service.
    301 of 400 Signatures
    Created by UFUA Tas
  • We need a National Energy Transitions Authority now!
    Our electricity generation system is undergoing rapid change as coal-fired power is replaced by renewable energy. We need this to happen fast to avoid catastrophic climate change, and so that Australia is not left behind in the shift to a new clean economy. Workers in the fossil fuel industry have contributed enormously to Australia’s wealth over generations. It is vital that they are not cast aside as we build a sustainable economy. Currently, decisions about power station closures and the replacement generation are largely made by big private companies driven by profit in a “free market” that gives no consideration to the interests of workers or the local community more broadly. To ensure the energy transformation is fair to workers and their communities, we need a National Energy Transition Authority that plans and coordinates all-of-government actions to make sure no worker and no community is left behind.
    4,562 of 5,000 Signatures
    Created by Colin, Just Transitions Organiser
  • Build publicly-owned renewable energy
    In the first two weeks of March 2021 alone, energy retailers cut off the electricity to 1,000 Victorians who have fallen on hard times. Energy is an essential service; you can't find a new job with a flat phone battery. We were promised privatisation would deliver lower cost energy - it hasn't. Instead, we have had cost blow outs, crumbling infrastructure, poor just transition planning for workers, and companies holding government to ransom to prop up their failing assets. Not to mention companies dragging their feet on a transition to clean energy sources. With Victoria at an energy crossroads, now is the time to fix the mistake of privatisation by investing in publicly-owned renewables. Queensland has established CleanCo - their own publicly-owned renewable energy retailer, and we think Victoria deserves the same. Further, the cold snap that caused the collapse of the entire energy system in Texas USA has shown us the problems of a fully market-driven, privatised electricity system. This must never happen here - we need a properly planned energy transformation in Victoria with public ownership a key plank of that plan.
    4,427 of 5,000 Signatures
    Created by Colin, Just Transitions Organiser
  • Brisbane - Let's Go FOGO
    FOGO in Brisbane will: - Create thousands of jobs (three times as many jobs as traditional landfill) - Remove up to 80,000 tonnes of organic waste from Brisbane’s landfill each year, reducing waste levy charges for ratepayers - Create a nutrient rich compost which can be used on council gardens or sold to farmers and other producers – creating a revenue stream that feeds back into ratepayers’ pockets - Reduce Brisbane's emissions greatly - it's the number 1 way Councils can reduce their carbon emissions because FOGO emissions are carbon neutral while organic waste in landfill generates methane that is 27 times more potent It's a no-brainer! LET'S GO FOGO!
    1,898 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Labor for Brisbane
  • Save the park at the South Croydon Primary School site
    Since the closure of the South Croydon Primary School site, residents have fought to protect the public open space and environment that remains on site. Thankfully to date the site remains undeveloped. However, it has recently been announced that a portion of the land, owned by the State Government (shown as purple border in picture), is to be sold off, most likely to property developers. Open space in our already dense community provides many aesthetic and intrinsic benefits. Open space encourages physical activity, can aid in the reduction of pollution, is a place for children to grow and play, provides and important wild-life corridor and can be of mental health benefit to the local residents who use it. With the increase of our population, open space is getting harder and harder to come by and local residents do not want to see high density development on this site. We want this land to remain in community hands and call on the State Government to protect this site as a park of public open space.
    188 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Paul Macdonald
  • Kingston: net zero emissions by 2030
    A net zero target by 2030 is essential for cleaner air, a healthier environment, cheaper power, better health and a fairer society. A rapid shift to renewables will create significant ongoing local jobs for people in trades, administration, services, procurement and other industries. As Professor Tim Flannery stated recently, 'Here’s the truth about action on climate change: it creates jobs. Plenty of them. It’s good for the economy. And it will lower power prices, protect people, and save our environment.' Join us in our race to zero!
    395 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Zero Kingston 2030 Picture
  • Save Education and Humanities @ La Trobe Uni
    La Trobe Uni has a moral obligation to provide good-paying jobs and a quality education to all regions. The proposed cuts will have a disproportionate impact on regional Victoria. Regional students will be missing out on an important on-campus experience compared to their metro counterparts. It is vital for a functional society that the University ensures a diverse range of education and humanities subjects are offered.
    597 of 600 Signatures
    Created by La Trobe NTEU
  • Stop blocking offshore wind – climate jobs now
    With unemployment at record levels, thousands of jobs and billions in investment are waiting on the government’s offshore renewables legislation. We need these projects to create jobs, reduce energy emissions, and help address the climate crisis. Offshore wind could play a big role in decarbonising the electricity system in Australia. 3 huge offshore wind projects are in the works in Australia: Star of the South off Gippsland, Victoria, Newcastle Offshore Wind off NSW, and the Mid West Wind and Solar Project south of Geraldton in WA. These projects connect the immense renewable energy resources off our coasts with the existing transmission lines, population and industry built near the coast. Using our offshore renewable resources can provide thousands of transition jobs for offshore oil and gas workers and other energy workers. Offshore wind projects can be located near existing coal fired power stations. The International Energy Agency says that the strength and consistency of offshore wind make it potentially comparable with gas and coal fired power (IEA Offshore Wind Outlook 2019). The government is offering much less support to ocean renewable energy than it has offered to gas-fired power stations, fracking, and pipelines. If Commonwealth-owned Snowy Hydro is building new energy generation, it should be offshore wind in Commonwealth waters. The Government was supposed to introduce an Offshore Clean Energy Infrastructure Bill in mid-2020 but that time has passed and there is still no draft Bill. Credible offshore wind projects have been waiting more than five years for this legislation. The bill should provide that Work Health and Safety for offshore wind should be part of the national harmonised system, and recognise that the National Offshore Petroleum Safety and Environmental Management Authority (NOPSEMA) is not the appropriate body to regulate offshore renewable energy. The government needs to open its eyes to the enormous renewable energy resources off our coast. More information on the potential for offshore wind in Australia is here https://www.mua.org.au/campaigns/Build-Offshore-Wind-and-A-Just-Transition
    737 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Maritime Union of Australia