• ANU Staff Supporting Climate Action Strikes
    The University of NSW, The University of Sydney and The University of Technology Sydney all released statements prior to the previous School Students Climate Strike which was held on the 3rd of May 2o19 stating that students would not be penalised if they missed class to attend this. The University of Western Australia has also stated they will not be penalising students and staff if they attend the Walk Out on the 9th of August. We would like the ANU to do the same, and would love to see ANU staff supporting this move.
    24 of 100 Signatures
    Created by ANUSA Education
  • Support for global climate strike September 20
    The call from students organising the strike states: “Last year’s UN intergovernmental panel on climate change’s special report on global warming was clear about the unprecedented dangers of going beyond 1.5C of global heating. Emissions must drop rapidly – so that by the time we are in our mid- and late-20s we are living in a completely transformed world. But to change everything, we need everyone.” Already the NTEU, the GSA and UMSU who represent staff and students at the University of Melbourne, have endorsed this call to action. We will work together to ensure the widest possible stoppage of work and study so that staff and students can attend demonstrations on this historic day. The University of Melbourne has an opportunity to be a global leader on climate action – an opportunity that staff and students want the University to take. Climate change and climate action is a top concern within our university community for students and staff. As students and workers in the higher education sector, we have a particular responsibility and opportunity to campaign on climate action. Universities will play a leading role in the research and development and retraining that will be needed for the transition. Our fight against casualisation and the marketisation and commodification of education is inseparable from supporting our fellow workers and unionists in energy, transportation, and agricultural industries to decarbonise the economy and create dignified clean energy jobs. Transforming our destructive relationship with the environment requires a system change at all social, economic and political levels. To that end we stand with Indigenous people in struggles to protect their lands and waters from impending expansion of fossil fuel projects. We stand with workers in fossil fuel industries and their communities facing insecure work and an uncertain future. We stand against the vested corporate and political interests placing profits above the future of the planet. Students and staff call for the University of Melbourne to be bold on climate action and agree to stop work and class for all members of the university community to join the global climate strike on September 20th. There is no education on a dead planet.
    862 of 1,000 Signatures
  • No Australian Support For Trump’s War On Iran
    A war between the US and Iran would have devastating consequences for all the people of the region. It is not in Australian people’s interest to go along with the Trump administration’s ‘regime change’ agenda. Only the people of Iran can decide their government. The US is not under attack from Iran and nor is Australia. A peaceful resolution of outstanding issues is essential and possible.
    1,827 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by StopWarCoalition Sydney
  • ScoMo's gotta go!
    Young people will inherit a dying planet because of government inaction on climate change. At the same time, investment in tertiary education is lower than it is in Trump's America, leaving students with increasing fees and debt. Young people also face an increasingly insecure and casualised workforce when we graduate. And our generation is the first to be worse off than our parents, with the cost of living and housing prices becoming untenable. Students on income support live way below the poverty line, and workplace exploitation of young people is rife. Scott Morrison's Liberal government has no vision for the future of young people. That's why we're telling Scott Morrison we'll be voting him and the Liberals out on May 18. NUS will be throwing parties in Sydney and Melbourne, and demonstrations in other cities across the country to call on young people to use their voice, and show ScoMo our power and young people and students come the election. Join us here: bit.ly/scomoparty
    539 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Desiree Cai, NUS President
  • Tell Darebin Council: protect our local quiet life
    Quiet life is how the indigenous people describe our native wildlife - flying foxes, birds, possums, and many, many others. Although the health of the trees and safety for local traffic has been assessed, the impact of the light-and-sound art installation on the wildlife who live and utilise the trees on High St has not. The design of the artwork is such that, at regular intervals, a high-pitched frequency is emitted before a series of LED lights in the trees illuminate synchronously. This synthetic audio-visual activity is highly disruptive to the natural habits and rhythms of native wildlife in the trees. There are many ways that the 17 trees on High Street can be used to enhance and enliven the local area and we support the use of local artists in making this happen. We believe, however, that the Darebin Council needs to ensure that any project receiving local government support does not compromise the health and well-being of our neighbourhood fauna; we call on the Council to remove the current installation in favour of a more appropriate project that aligns with this objective.
    9 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Carolyn Lunt
  • Save Peppertree Place
    Community members of Coburg and surrounds, value the amazing oasis for our community that has been built up within Peppertree place. The organisation is largely volunteer run and the programs have become an important part of people's lives. With many volunteers building both a support network and new skills that have lead to them finding new employment opportunities after extended periods on un employment. Some of the program at risk if Peppertree place is closed include. o A volunteer run nursery and café, which have a built a significant community of people around them. o The gardens which are used by the neighboring schools, childcare centers, health practitioners and local playgroups, o The surrounding gardens have provided a wonderful peaceful sanctuary for local residents especially those in high-density housing neighboring the Peppertree place. o The Annual fiesta has been a triumph of volunteers and brought together many local organisations and built a community around the program run on site. So please sign our petition to save Peppertree Place!
    1,287 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Eleisha Mullane
  • Remove George Christensen's Gun Licence
    After the threatening caption "You gotta ask yourself, do you feel lucky, greenie punks? " with the image of George Christensen aiming a handgun. As per the Queensland firearms licence conditions, you are to be a fit and proper person, which stipulates that the person is Not fit and proper if within the last 5 years; the use or threatened use of violence. After this depiction as described above, the enacting, and invoking violence towards members of the public who are of "greenie" values or actions this is to be accounted as George Christensen to be found no longer a fit and proper person to be in possession of a firearms licence, and permits to own firearms.
    191 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Sophie Callard
  • Protect renewable energy jobs!
    Axing the Victorian Renewable Energy Target would kill off jobs in construction, manufacturing, maintenance, logistics, warehousing, for electricians and trainers --such as the 200-strong team making wind turbine towers at Keppel Prince in Portland. It would set our efforts to tackle climate change backwards. We, the undersigned, call on Matthew Guy and the Liberal National Party to drop its ideologically-driven pledge to axe the Victorian Renewable Energy Target and get on board with wind and solar jobs. Bipartisan support for the Victorian Renewable Energy Target will give this emerging sector the certainty needed to create good, secure jobs for Victorian workers into the future.
    1,073 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Friends of the Earth (Melbourne)
  • Solar hot water for public housing!
    Support a #justtransition for the Latrobe Valley The Latrobe Valley community has powered Victoria for almost 100 years, and deserves to be supported through the inevitable transition of our energy system. This means new employment opportunities as the inevitable closure of Hazelwood Power Station looms closer. Help avert a manufacturing crisis #supportmanufacturing At the same time, Victoria is facing a manufacturing jobs crisis, especially as the car industry closes over the next two years. Make sure no-one is left behind in the #energytransition It should not just be the rich who are able to benefit from energy efficiency and clean energy technology. #equality. Households who can benefit the most from lower energy bills should be supported to access these options. Reduce greenhouse gas emissions #climatechange The need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and transform our economy so that it is sustainable is growing more pressing every day. The State Government’s own operations make a significant contribution to carbon pollution, and the government can lead by example in reducing emissions from its own buildings. This would also have a long-term benefit for tenants of public housing, whose energy bills would be reduced, giving a tangible boost to their disposable income. Encourage the cooperative economy and more secure work #securework Earthworker is a community initiative established by unionists and environmental activists to help Victorians work their way out of the climate crisis. It is committed to providing decent, secure work in factories owned by workers to manufacture the renewable energy technologies that we so badly need to transform our future. More information can be found at: http://earthworkercooperative.com.au/ In the UK, the Labour Party is pushing for the right for workers to buy out enterprises, and States in the US are legislating to support worker co-ops. The worker cooperative model can be the basis of new jobs and a just transition in places like the Latrobe Valley and Geelong, where old energy-intensive industries are under threat. Earthworker already has all the required factory machinery in a factory site in Morwell, Latrobe Valley. The project has the intellectual property, experience and skills in manufacturing and installing solar hot water systems across Australia, and is in the process of setting up the Morwell factory. With a sizable order of solar hot water systems for public housing, this first cooperative factory could be up and running quickly, with this kick-start, building itself into a long-term and community-sustaining cooperative business – the first of many across Australia. The Victorian government’s commitment to reducing greenhouse gas emissions, ensuring local content in Government Projects, and growing employment opportunities in renewable technologies can be achieved in partnerships with organisations like Earthworker
    739 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Earth Worker Picture
  • Stand up for the environment. Stand up for jobs.
    Under a policy that had been in place for five years, all Federal government departments and agencies were required to start using 100% recycled paper this year. This policy was cancelled in the weeks before Tony Abbott was replaced as Prime Minister. Over the last few years, Australian Paper have invested in new recycling technology that allows 100% recycled paper to be made locally in Australia. This policy decision will cost thousands of jobs, will be bad for the industry, and will be harmful to the environment. We call on Malcolm Turnbull to reverse this decision and ensure all Government paper is 100% recycled.
    1,981 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by The CFMEU Picture
    Farm workers at Perfection Fresh worked around the clock during the pandemic to ensure our fresh produce supply during Australia's lockdown.  Now, the job security of these same workers is being sacrificed in the name of Australia's national tomato supply.  The Federal Government owes it to these hard-working people to provide them with real income support and assistance in returning to secure work when the lockdown ends.  
    19 of 100 Signatures
    Created by United Workers Union
  • No nuclear in our communities
    We are community members in the seven target regions identified by Peter Dutton’s Liberal National Coalition as locations for nuclear reactors. We stand united in our stance against being bullied into accepting nuclear reactors with community consent. We demand nothing but genuine consultation with First Nations communities and Traditional Owners and consultation with communities, councils and site owners.  We need to verify the facts about nuclear reactors and hear directly from recognised experts about safety, economics and the implications for health and well-being in our communities. Our communities are already involved in the transition of energy.    Projects are well underway and locals already have jobs constructing our sustainable energy future, our renewable energy future. We seek clarity on the implications of this announcement for the existing employment and planned projects across our regions.  We urge the broader Australian community to support us in demanding  Transparency, fairness and accountability from the federal Coalition. 
    2 of 100 Signatures