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this pandemic is not ,an easy way to reduce your work forceWell if this happens , if there are any more and there will be , serious world issues , the bosses will use this to put more of us, working class poor on well fair, across all industry,s1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by mick hope
Assign Poker Machine Revenue to Health CarePoker Machine owners have done very well from Australians for decades, and in troubling emergencies like COVID 19, it is time for Governments to call for emergency measures. By re-assigning 85% of poker machine takings, it still allows all related employment to be saved. It avails money to be spent on childcare workers to care for Medical Professional's children3 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Bruce Lund
Contain the virus and support the vulnerableThere is nothing normal about the COVID-19 outbreak or the devastating economic impact it will have / is having on the most vulnerable. Some estimate that up to 60% of the population may be affected, and a catastrophic overburdening of the health system seems inevitable. Moreover, countless workers, artists, and students will have to deal with devastating economic conditions on top of these biological worries. With the Reserve Bank of Australia announcing that it is commencing Quantitative Easing (QE), and the treasury preparing another stimulus package, it is essential that the government embrace policies and programs which will actually address the source of the problem and which will secure a basic standard of living / survival for those who have neither the incomes nor savings to sustain themselves. By honouring the demands above, and sparing no expense in their pursuit of a best-practice response, the government has a genuine chance at minimising the economic and biological damage of the COVID-19 outbreak. A failure to institute any of the above demands, however, would amount to gross negligence: anything short of a significant economic response, which supports casual wage earners and the vulnerable, will lead to increased transmission rates or, worse, a serious and perhaps fatal deterioration in people's quality of life as they lack the liquidity and income to secure accommodation and acquire essential goods. Moreover, without social distancing and rapid investment in health provisions the number of cases will start increasing exponential. If implemented these demands will not only "flatten the curve", but raise the system's overall capacity, saving many lives. Honouring these demands (among others) will minimise damage to the largest degree, and is ultimately the only way the government can truly protect its citizens. Anything less is negligence.129 of 200 SignaturesCreated by University of Sydney Students' Representative Council
Reinstatement of Daniel DiRosa and Mark SestoThe team has trained under Daniel since January and has progressed immensely. Being without a coach with less than 4 weeks before the start of the season is a huge disadvantage. It is important to remember that this is junior football and we should all be acting in the best interest of these players.72 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Ann Tedesco
We Need More Social Housing!Everyone has the right to shelter. Whether people are struggling to find shelter each night or needing support, the government can do simple things to fix thr system. What happens to one of us affects all of us.126 of 600 SignaturesCreated by Southside Workers' Activist Network
Time For Fairwork To Take A Seat At The TableWorkers are still waiting for their money, and young workers canât afford to wait any longer. As a second year law student, the financial pressure's I face due to the costs of my degree, would be be greatly relieved by receiving the money I am currently owed, only Fairwork has the power to make this happen. This is yet another example of why wage theft laws are urgently needed - the current system is failing workers. If wage theft is going to be taken seriously then we need a Federal Liberal Governmentâs watchdog that will act in the best interests of Australian workers, and we need one that will act more swiftly than its current inactions demonstrate. We need to send a strong and urgent message to the FWO, that enough is enough, that as public servants, their duty is to serve the Australian public and the Australian workforce, to not just sit in their comfortable office's and muse on the dire situation faced by myself and so many others. FWO needs to stand up and protect workers rights as much as wage theft needs to be made a criminal offence.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Jessi Ryan
482visa workeri have to work pay my home loan in Australiaďźmy employer need meďźmy daughter need to go back her schoolďźwe all the legal taxpayersďź1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by chengkai zhao
Protect out WaterAllow our farmers to grow and make food competitively whilst securing food security in Australia. And mining and cotton industries from stealing our Commonwealth water for private companies that gifted water rights. This directly affects our climate and has massive impact on climate change as we are drying and exploiting our water whilst rivers, small communities and our environment suffers. It's now time to stop water theft and return water rights to Australian citizens rather than transnational corporations.2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Malcolm Jones
Protect Our Aged and Disability ServicesWe canât forget about our older community members. They deserve to be cared for and looked after. Some are not fortunate to have family or friends to advocate on their behalf. The aim of home and community care services like Meals on Wheels, assistance with showering, shopping and cleaning is to keep the older members of our community in their own home and out of aged care facilities. Many other councils throughout Victoria have privatise and outsource these services. And those who deliver these services are some of the lowest paid workers predominately female workers. We as a community cannot afford for these services to be privatised.396 of 400 SignaturesCreated by Penny Flynn
Declare a Climate Emergency at Macquarie University1. OUR HEALTH MATTERS: This is important because climate change is affecting our health and wellbeing. 2. OUR TECHNOLOGY CAN HELP: Universities have a major role to play in the science and technology necessary to deal with the consequences of climate change on human societies and the ecosystem. 3. OUR EDUCATION CHANGES LIVES: Universities educate our community, workers, and future leaders about science, public policy, and the threats of climate change.477 of 500 SignaturesCreated by Nick Harrigan & Shaun Wilson
TISM Mordialloc FreewayBecause TISM128 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Joel O
Stop paying Politicians after they retireWe have so much more needy projects that require assistance today than paying all the Politicians that are no longer doing anything. Also what other employment field in Australia continues to give their workers the fringe benefits after cessation of their duties. Government pushes for fairness and equality and maintains this by at times establishing royal commissions into the investigation of unfair and at times criminal practices. How then is having Politicians still on the Payroll and paying them millions of dollars annually in monetary value including other fringe benefits a fair and equitable practice. We certainly donât get that and we have all worked hard in Australia. We all perform jobs do our tasks and one job is no more important than the other.8 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Geoff Silva