• UTS Climate Strike
    Transforming our destructive relationship with the environment requires the creation of hundreds of thousands of jobs right across society. This includes, but also goes far beyond, rebuilding the electricity system for 100% renewable energy by 2030 under public ownership. We stand with Indigenous people in struggles to protect their lands and waters from impending expansion of fossil fuel projects. We stand with workers in fossil fuel industries and their communities facing insecure work and an uncertain future - there must be clear job guarantee from the government for all of these workers as the economy de-carbonises. We stand against the vested corporate and political interests placing profits above the future of the planet. They have made enormous riches from destroying the earth - they must pay for the climate action we urgently need. Here at UTS we have a particular responsibility and opportunity to play a leading role in the research, development and retraining that will be needed for the climate transition.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Richard Bailey
  • Qantas: Respect Working Women
    Some Staff may be required to furnish a full marriage certificate that happened many years ago and has a divorce certificate to prove that indeed their birth name is the exact name that it has been since they started.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Australian Services Union ASU Picture
  • Minimum staffing levels for 000 workers now!
    Taking emergency calls for a living is already stressful enough. But due to understaffing, 000 workers can't even take a moment between calls to recover from what they've just heard. They're being called back from breaks and feel they're unable to take annual leave. However their greatest concern is for the community trying to call through in an emergency. These workers aren't asking for a pay rise or more holidays, they're simply calling for minimum staffing levels so that they can support Victorians in need.
    1,100 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Ambulance Employees Australia Victoria
  • Stop hate speech
    Hate speech incites terrorism against migrant communities.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Marcella Brassett
  • Australia-Indonesia Free Trade Agreement is a bad deal for workers and our community
    There is no evidence this trade deal will benefit workers in Australia or Indonesia - it simply gives more power to corporations. This deal has been negotiated in secret with no public consultation, and no assessment of the economic, health, environmental or human rights impacts. We demand the Morrison government immediately stop the process of ratifying this agreement, and commence a thorough assessment of the impacts of this agreement, consult with the public, and renegotiate the agreement accordingly.
    14 of 100 Signatures
    Created by CPSU SPSF Picture
  • Statement of Solidarity with Filipino Academics, Artists and Cultural Workers
    On September 24 2018, amidst the heat of the 46th year of commemorating the Filipino peoples’ struggle against Martial Law under former dictator Ferdinand Marcos, the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) released a statement that the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) and the New Peoples Army (NPA) were planning to oust the current Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte. Shortly after, on October 2, 2018, General Antonio Parlade Jr., assistant deputy chief of staff of the Armed Forces of the Philippines accused Universities of being bases for mass recruitments for the CPP and NPA. Parlade Jr released a list of accused educational/academic institutions in the Philippines including premiere Philippine universities such as the University of the Philippines, Ateneo de Manila University, De La Salle University, and Philippine Polytechnic University. The evidence cited for this claim was that campuses host anti-Martial Law film screenings among other artistic and cultural activities. These events have triggered widespread concern among many Filipino artists and acadmics who denounce the malicious efforts by the AFP to “red-tag” educational institutions as part of their counter-insurgency operations. Tagging academics and artists as Communists has historically been a precedent in the Philippines for military and government crackdowns against a wide range of critics. During the Marcos dictatorship, the University of the Philippines served as a space for free expression, speech, and assembly amidst country-wide state censorship, and this space became vital to resisting, opposing, and eventually putting an end to Martial Law. During the Martial Law period artists and academics were prominent among the 70,000 imprisoned and 34,000 tortured between 1972 and 1981 (Amnesty International).
    71 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Anna P