• Save Our Sick Leave! Protect Entitlements for Health Workers at Peel Health Campus
    Peel Health Campus, currently operated by Ramsay Health Care, will transition back into public hands in August 2023. This is excellent news for both employees and the WA community, however, we, as health workers at the facility, have not yet been provided a commitment from the State Government that our many hours of accrued Personal leave will be recognised. By signing this petition you'll encourage the WA Minister for Health, Amber Jade Sanderson and Industrial Relations Minister Bill Johnston to continue this by honouring all accrued personal leave for Health Workers at Peel Health Campus.
    231 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Health Services Union WA Picture
  • Murdoch Staff are ready to bargain!
    Murdoch staff have been hit hard during the COVID-19 crisis: enduring staffing cuts, taking on more work, keeping the lights on for students and the broader community while management are seemingly making decisions that don't improve staff conditions or well-being. A university is a place of ideas. Murdoch's 'tagline' is "A place for free thinking" but sadly free thinking comes at a cost and it is a cost borne disproportionately by staff. With an already lean Bargaining Agreement and no real cost of living relief in sight, it's time to support Murdoch staff in their entrenched right to bargain for a more robust Bargaining Agreement. You need to send a message to management – this isn’t good enough, we can’t afford to keep going backwards, we are struggling with the lack of support, and we demand that they begin bargaining NOW. Click the link to sign the petition - send the message to management that we're ready to bargain NOW!
    42 of 100 Signatures
    Created by NTEU WA
  • Stop Deadnaming at Universities!
    Our universities are failing when it comes to building inclusive and supporting learning environments for transgender, gender diverse and non-binary students. A recent survey of queer students in Australia conducted by the NUS Queer/LGBTQIA+ Department and RUSU Queer Department identified that every single respondent regularly experienced some form of deadnaming at university. The results from the survey revealed that: 83% of students said there was a persistent deadnaming issue at their university 93% were deadnamed on student facing platforms 20% were deadnamed by staff 43% were deadnamed on university accounts 13% were deadnamed on their student ID With the constant misgendering and deadnaming that occurs on student facing platforms and within classrooms, it is time for this issue to be addressed. We are calling on universities to end deadnaming and change their ways to ensure that the wellbeing of transgender, gender diverse and non-binary students is a priority. Universities have a duty of care towards their students, a responsibility to provide a safe learning environment that minimises opportunities for psychosocial harm. They need to acknowledge that until action is taken to end deadnaming in Australian universities, trans, non-binary and gender diverse students will continue to be at severe risk of bullying, harassment, physical violence and psychosocial harm. It is time for universities to protect vulnerable students and allow them to bring their whole selves to their studies.
    2,376 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by NUS Queer/LGBTQIA+ Department Picture
  • Every Victorian deserves sick pay
    The last few years during the pandemic have shown us what happens when Victorians don't have access to sick pay. Working as a casual in retail I couldn’t afford to cancel the few shifts I had. I’d often be forced to go in sick, because it was the difference between me paying my rent and not. This is why it's critical that the State Goverment ensures that all workers have access to sick pay and expand the industries covered by the guarantee.
    3,014 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by Clare Elliot, casual worker
  • Make Glenroy Roads Safe
    During school drop off and pick up times, the road surrounding the school becomes blocked, causing daily traffic jams, causing safety risks to children and others needing to use the road. Access of vehicles in and out of school premises has also been blocked; it would be impossible for emergency service vehicles to enter and exit, creating additional risk, with two aged care facilities potentially affected. It is only a matter of time that a child is injured, or worse. This dangerous situation is long standing, despite numerous attempts to address. We ask Moreland Councillors to explore suitable options to secure the safety of students and community through alternative traffic / road solutions.
    120 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Lisa Darmanin
  • Protect, Respect and Pay Us Fairly at Ramsay Health Care!
    By signing this petition, you will be supporting thousands of critical health care workers at Ramsay Health Care, to deliver vital Health Services for the WA community. These workers are employed with Peel Health Campus, Joondalup, Attadale and Glengarry Hospitals and have not been provided a fair pay offer which will enable them to keep up with the cost of living. Ramsay Health Care needs to be encouraged to pay Health Workers enough to demonstrate they value the work they do. By signing the petition you will let the Ramsay Board know: - A 2% pay increase is not enough, and will see health workers' pay go backwards in real terms. - Health Workers have given their all, with increased workload and significant demands through COVID.  They deserve more. - A fair pay rise will retain the current workforce and demonstrate health workers are valued. - Competitive pay will help attract experienced health professionals to the Ramsay workforce. You can make a difference to the lives of WA Health Workers and their families. Support the people who have supported us and sign the petition today.
    880 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Health Services Union WA Picture
  • No New Pokies in Mparntwe/Alice Springs
    We want the centre of town to be a safe, vibrant hub of entertainment for locals and tourists to enjoy. Pokies are also the most addictive form of gambling and can negatively affect our community's physical health, emotional well-being, relationships and employment. In 2019, Australians lost over $12 billion on pokies. Mparntwe/Alice Springs already has 386 pokies – we don’t want any more!
    839 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Aia Newport
  • Get rid of CellOPark Curtin University
    Parking enforcers at Curtin University have a reputation for being highly efficient and predatory. If you don’t pay for parking, you will get fined—so why do people take the risk? The answer is they don’t. At the Bentley campus, the odds are stacked against you, and sometimes no matter what you do, you will get a fine. You’re invited to appeal them, but with a catch—if they reject the appeal they will reduce the amount of time you have to pay, leading to penalties being applied quicker. Is it worth the risk when few appeals are ever accepted? Curtin students pay thousands of dollars to study at this University, and it is often a requirement for their education that they come to campus. They are often getting by on Centrelink or working hard to stay above the poverty line. They are faced with a parking system that preys on them, takes every opportunity to make money off of them and refers them to debt collectors with the threat of further legal action, when they are struggling the most. Students are asking to be allowed to pay for parking, without the many barriers that the CellOPark app entails. 1. Phase out CellOPark. This app regularly charges users for premium service fees without permission, or logs them out of sessions, causing them to get fined. It is predatory and not user-friendly. 2. Reduce the cost of fines to $20. A $45 fine can be detrimental to students, especially when they are not at fault due to the CellOPark app. Curtin has absolute discretion over the cost of fines, and the deterrent does not need to be that high—Curtin University is using their captive audience, students, to raise as much revenue as possible. 3. Introduce a mixed PAYG/Permit system. A Pay As You Go system saves money for those who come to campus occasionally, but a permit system that discounts parking for purchasing for longer intervals is more equitable for students who need to attend campus more often, up to five days a week, for more intensive courses or as part of their studies
    7,843 of 8,000 Signatures
    Created by Curtin Student Guild
  • Better Internet for the Meander Valley
    Without proper access to fast and reliable internet, our community suffers. We cannot work as part of a connected country and world if our internet access prevents us from connecting with each other. No community should be left behind in this technological age. Residents and ratepayers of the Meander Valley refuse to be forgotten.
    36 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ben Dudman Picture
  • End the misery: evacuate and resettle Hassan Ghahramani now
    Hassan Ghahramani is a 48-year-old Iranian refugee who has been held in detention by Australia since July 2013 on Christmas Island, Manus island and now Nauru. He was accepted for settlement by Canada two years ago but is still waiting, caught up in a bureaucratic deadlock compounded by the outbreak of COVID on Nauru. He has not seen his children for nine years. Hassan suffers from medical conditions that cause severe pain and require urgent medical care.
    213 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Refugee Action Collective Picture
  • Support every worker to escape violence
    Unionists have campaigned to win family and domestic violence leave in our workplace - but there are many employees in this country not covered by agreements. In solidarity with every worker who needs to escape a violent relationship, we call on the Albanese Labor Government to provide for 10 days Family and Domestic Violence Leave in the National Employment Standards.
    27 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Edwina Byrne
    Murgon is the only large town in the South Burnett that doesn't have a dog park. A dog park is needed for the safety of dogs and owners due to the recent rise in stray dog attacks. A dog park is simple inexpensive community infrastructure that brings people together and creates joy and a sense of community. All progressive and friendly towns in Qld have a dog park for locals and visitors to use.
    86 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Murgon DogPark