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Mandate N95 fit testing for health workersHealth care workers are at high occupational risk of contracting COVID-19, and are overrepresented in serious cases. Preventative measures, including provision of and education about the use of personal protective equipment, is only effective if it is fit for purpose - masks that allow unfiltered air entry and exit exposes health care workers, their colleagues, family members, and care recipients to increased risk.252 of 300 SignaturesCreated by Tara Nipe
Stop the Toxic FiresThe slap-on-the-wrist fines that these companies get are not enough. Dodgy companies that cut corners and put their workers, the community and the environment at risk should lose their operating licences and be closed. These fires have deadly consequences and we need urgent action to hold these corporate criminals to account.6 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Chris Giddings
Give Ranjan his job backMy name is Ranjan. I’m a 53-year-old asylum seeker from Sri Lanka. I have worked at Polytrade Recycling in Dandenong, Melbourne, since 2017. On 23 July, I was sacked by text message. My supervisor told me that I’m no longer needed. This happened on the day I took sick leave. Two days earlier, I became unconscious at work. I was taken by ambulance and the bill was paid by Polytrade. I had to take sick leave to do further tests on my chest. When my union representative contacted the human resources manager, the manager claimed that I spoke with a colleague about lodging work cover claim and that’s one of the reasons behind my dismissal. In 2017, Polytrade received a government grant of over $500,000. Meanwhile I was underpaid by $7 an hour. Only after we joined the Australian Workers Union did Polytrade lift our pay to the required minimum under the Waste Management Award. But I’m still owed tens of thousands of dollars from the underpayments. I rely on my job to pay my rent, bills, food and support my family back in Sri Lanka. I want my job back. And I want all Polytrade workers to have secure and safe jobs with fair pay. Please sign this petition.83 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Ranjan Samithamby
Fully suspend 'mutual' obligations for people on Centrelink paymentsIn the middle of a global pandemic and an economic crisis that's only getting worse the government is misleading people on Centrelink payments about pointless and punitive 'mutual' obligations activities. It's not safe. Right now there are no penalties in place for refusing to do most mutual obligations, however people can be forced into a job they don't want and the government has given job agencies license to bully, harass and lie to people. This has made many JobSeekers confused and distressed, and many are doing activities against their will when they don't have to. We have called a strike to protest this behaviour. Go here for more information about your right not to do 'mutual' obligations right now: https://auwu.substack.com/p/how-to-participate-in-the-auwu-mostrike4,183 of 5,000 SignaturesCreated by Australian Unemployed Workers Union
Spotless: Give your laundry workers paid pandemic leaveSpotless Group Holdings is an integrated services company that also provides laundry management to hospitals and the broader health care system. Spotless laundry workers handle COVID linen from health care providers. Paid pandemic leave will give workers the peace of mind to take leave when they feel sick, even if they are casuals. It means no worker has to choose between their health and paying the bills; or worry about their next pay check when self isolating. For the good of the community, the workers and the company, Spotless must give workers paid pandemic leave now.216 of 300 SignaturesCreated by United Workers Union
I, Jane Fuchsbichler, and the undersigned, ask the Tier 3 Railways in WA be RE-OPENED and UPGRADEDReinstating the use and the upgrading of Tier 3 lines will: • Provide a much-needed sustainable path to port • Help to ensure WA's export industries remain competitive internationally • Help with revitalising rural towns and the WA economy • Reduce freight costs to port • Reduce road repair and maintenance costs • Improve road safety Reduces traffic congestion in the city with fewer trucks making their way to port • Reduce the carbon footprint of the State of WA, as well as that of individuals in the following groups: consumers, transporters, farmers, producers and exporters As: Closure of rail has increased freight costs which are passed on to the rest of the community in other ways This campaign has the support of the WA branch of the Australian Manufacturing Workers' Union and the WA branch of the Rail, Tram and Bus Union216 of 300 SignaturesCreated by Jane Fuchsbichler
Staff to resident ratios for quality aged care.As secretary of the Bendigo Trades Hall I support our unions and their members and fight for all workers. However, this one hits closer to home. I have a sister that works in the aged care industry and my grandfather is a resident in one of the Royal Freemasons facilities. My sister loves her job and cares very much for the residents, but my sister still has the right to a safe reliable job and my grandfather needs quality care that can only be provided by our experienced aged care staff. Reducing the staffing levels to meet their budget Royal Freemasons is putting the safety of both the staff and the residents at risk. Please help me call on the government to put the care of our loved ones and the safety of the wonderful caring staff before profits. Tell the government we need ratios in the private aged care sector.297 of 300 SignaturesCreated by Luke Martin, Bendigo Trades Hall
Enough is enough - Bus drivers deserve protectionOur bus drivers fear being killed or seriously injured for simply doing their job. We are aware of 9 assaults since last month alone. As our recent Bus Driver Safety Survey shows, these are not isolated incidents. There is a wider crisis engulfing our bus network where bus driver abuse has become so normalised it is simply seen as part of the job. Since March 2020, more than 40% of drivers now believe their job has become more unsafe and dangerous because of physical assaults and verbal abuse. Over 60% have been verbally abused and 7% physically assaulted in only 3 months. We can’t rely on ‘official’ Government figures. The TWU and our members know the true figures are much higher. Bus drivers have stopped reporting physical and verbal assault because daily abuse is now just seen as part of the job and they believe nothing gets done. Despite repeated attempts to engage with the former Minister for Transport, Stephan Knoll, to tackle this issue he repeatedly stuck his head in the sand and ignored the desperate calls from drivers to improve safety across the bus network. Minister Knoll did not even bother to show up to the TWU Bus Safety Summit which was attended by all key stakeholders, including bus operators, driver representatives, SAPOL, and the Opposition. Bus drivers deserve respect and protection. The TWU has consistently improved safety and conditions and we will not stop fighting. Now we need your help as we demand the Marshall Government introduces the highest industry standards of safety for drivers!346 of 400 SignaturesCreated by Transport Workers Union SA/NT
Kill a worker. Go to jail.The lack of any meaningful consequence for companies and bosses who kill workers is disgraceful. A $40,000 fine for an employer who kills someone by clearly failing to operate within health and safety laws is completely out of step with the most basic of community expectations around accountability under the law. There must be real and meaningful consequences for companies and CEOs who chose to put profit ahead of the lives of West Australians.5 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Simon Stokes
Petition against the Unauthorised use of in-cab camerasWe believe companies who use surveillance technology to spy on us in our trucks are using this type of surveillance to invade our privacy. It should not be the intention to use this technology to discipline drivers instead of its intended purpose, as a safety measure. We spend days at a time in our cabs. They are our desks; they are our bunks. We eat, sleep, and breathe in our trucks and ask for respect when it comes to our privacy.222 of 300 SignaturesCreated by Transport Workers Union WA
REMOVE THE COVID-19 TESTING SITE AT BUNNINGS WEST FOOTSCRAYSDA Organiser Aleks Velanovski has been raising safety issues at Bunnings Footscray West throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. When Aleks raised the issue of customers coming into the store after being tested for COVID-19, he was told that the testing site could not be moved because Bunnings wanted it to stay. Test recipients continue to come into the store after they are tested. This incredibly dangerous behaviour puts workers’ safety at risk. It has become clear that the only solution to this problem is the complete removal of the COVID-19 testing site.8 of 100 SignaturesCreated by SDA Victoria
Patients over profits - It's time for staffing ratios in IVF ClinicsProfessional Scientists Australia is petitioning the Fertility Society of Australia to put patients first. 72.5 % of fertility scientists believe that high workloads have increased the possibility of human errors occurring at work.* Women's reproductive health should be in the hands of fertility scientists who have the skills, time and knowledge to look after patients. Without a voice for fertility scientists', profits are being put ahead of workers and patient's health and families. Patients, scientists, and the public need to stand together to demand an enforceable staff to patient ratio like those seen overseas that will lead to better patient outcomes and stem the tide of staff burnout. 56.9 % of fertility scientists say that the industry’s high workloads have harmed their mental health.* If we don’t have an enforceable staff to patient ratio the fertility industry will continue to be driven by profit and workers will be unable to help people bring about their dreams of having a family. 89.4 per cent of scientists believe there should be explicit provisions for adequate staff ratios in IVF clinics.* If we stand together, we can ensure the industry is driven by best practice science, informed patients and scientists who have the time and training to look after each patient properly. *January 2020, PSA survey of fertility scientists202 of 300 SignaturesCreated by Professional Scientists Australia