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Mecca workers deserve safe workplacesI'm one of dozens of current and former Mecca employees that have been on the receiving end of bullying, intimidation, discrimination and favouritism whilst working in their store. After just a few weeks of working at Mecca I began to dread going to work. I was bullied and ridiculed by managers over trivial issues, often on the shop floor in front of customers. After a month and a half I raised concerns with my line manager about the bullying I was experiencing, and shortly after I was fired from Mecca. Mecca Brands have been named the fourth best place to work in 2019 but the façade as the greatest place to work is not the case. Mecca workers, most of whom are young women in their 20s, deserve to be treated with dignity and respect. Mecca has a legal responsibility to provide a safe working environment and they are falling well short. The problem must be fixed from the top. Jo Horgan can fix this problem. She can weed out bullying and discriminatory behaviour and put an end to it. The community is now watching to see that workers have a safe and discrimination-free workplace. Mecca workers have broken their silence, read more here: https://www.theage.com.au/business/companies/its-all-fake-beauty-giant-mecca-facing-bullying-claims-20191117-p539q4.html365 of 400 SignaturesCreated by Narita Salima
Justice for Airport WorkersImagine this, you work in the airport - it’s a good job, the job you used to tell people when they asked. However, the dreams of a good occupation is quickly hit down by the reality of the pay and conditions you have to deal with day in day out. Split shifts, insecure work, wages being driven down, and not enough hours working hours. That’s the reality in the airport! What’s worse is that airport management refuse to talk to (let alone address) workplace concerns - in fact, the management at the airport you primarily work from are now shutting out workers’ working under the airport roof. Yep they refuse to meet with airport workers working at the airport! These workers have asked for a meeting for months but Melbourne Airport continue to refuse. You have witnessed what the introduction of split shifts has meant that some of your co-workers have been forced to sleep at terminals or in and around tarmacs between shifts. You know that deliberate understaffing is causing injuries and poor working conditions which is resulting in a lack of experienced and trained staff members. And that’s just skimming the surface. On top of this, your wages demonstrate the harsh reality of trickle-down economics. The airports where you work in made over $2.2 billion in profits last year alone. This is the reality for airport workers at Melbourne Airport - yep, Victorian workers are facing these conditions right here in our own backyards.17 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Transport Worker Union VIC/TAS Branch
Introduce a comprehensive registration scheme for NSW engineersThe introduction of such a scheme would bring our state into line with other states, ensure the rightful recognition of professional engineers in NSW and above all else, provide community safety. With no registration scheme in place, NSW risks becoming a haven for unqualified engineers who cannot practice in neighbouring states, exposing the public to intolerable safety risks. The Professional Engineers Registration Bill 2019, introduced into Parliament by Yasmin Catley MP on Friday 25 October will ensure the engineers across NSW are adequately qualified, providing the protection our community deserves. Help us put pressure on the government to introduce a mandatory engineer registration scheme in NSW - sign our petition and we'll send an email to the Premier on your behalf.398 of 400 SignaturesCreated by Professionals Australia
Stop leaving NDIS clients out in the cold! Disabled clients and their care workers deserve dignityMy name is Jane, and my client Kim is one of thousands of NDIS clients who received the letter telling them their services with Australian Unity will be cut. I’ve been working with Kim for fifteen years, and I’ve never seen her this stressed. She chose to challenge Australian Unity’s decision on the basis that the changes would put her health and safety at risk, but now she’s on the verge of having her care discontinued, with no adequate replacement services in place. All Kim wants is to maintain quality care from her care workers she has had long lasting relationships with. She’s tried everything she can think of, and now she’s scared. As a former health professional, she knows her condition would be far worse, if it wasn’t for the well trained care workers she receives her daily care from.1,305 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Jane, care worker
Fund MATES in ConsructionOn average 190 Australians working in the construction industry die by suicide each year, that's one death by suicide in this industry sector every second day. Males in the construction industry are twice as likely to commit suicide than males in any other industry and are six times more likely to die of suicide than a workplace accident. This is totally unacceptable, and worse still, the industry organisation doing something about it has been defunded and hampered in its efforts to change the situation. We call on our elected representatives in the South Australian parliament to vote to stand by our MATES and properly fund MATES in Construction SA.159 of 200 SignaturesCreated by John Adley
No Australian Money in Asbestos!Australia knows the toxic legacy of asbestos all too well. Sixteen years after the ban came into force in Australia, 4,000 people die of asbestos-related diseases every year. Around the world an estimated 250,000 people die from asbestos-related diseases each year. Still today, 125 million people are exposed to asbestos in their workplace each year. What is the loophole? The Asian Development Bank’s ‘Safeguard Policy’ prohibits investments that include raw asbestos. However, this does not apply to the purchase and use of asbestos cement sheeting where the asbestos content is less than 20%, which includes almost all asbestos sheeting. This means that victims of natural disasters can be sheltered under roof sheeting contaminated by asbestos. It means that communities trying to grow their wealth and improve their welfare can be given an asbestos time-bomb in the form of asbestos sheeting. The Asia Development Bank’s current policy enables the asbestos industry in Asia to survive, despite the disastrous health impacts of asbestos. Alternatives are widely available for all asbestos-containing products, and the ADB policy must be updated to reflect this. The ADB must close the loophole! Let’s take a stand to stop asbestos everywhere! Find out more at apheda.org.au/asbestos1,027 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Union Aid Abroad - APHEDA
Stop the Attacks on Brisbane City Bus DriversAt least once a week a bus driver in Brisbane is assaulted by a member of the public. With injuries ranging from mental health trauma to broken bones that require hospitalisation, bus drivers are being left with lasting injuries for simply doing their job. RTBU members and concerned community members believe this is an unacceptable situation which doesn't just harm bus drivers but also places the travelling public at massive risk. The Lord Mayor and his council have been hiding from this issue and engaging in disgraceful victim-blaming. Enough is enough, it's time now that bus drivers and the community stand up for our right to safe public transport in our city. We can no longer stand by while the Lord Mayor and his council allow these assaults to continue. We won't stand for this any longer, will you?1,515 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Australian Rail, Tram and Bus Union (RTBU)
Fund the completion of Workers' Memorial ParkEvery worker deserves to come home from work, safe and well. But too many Tasmanian workers get injured on the job or worse – they never make it home. The Workers' Memorial Park was opened in 2011 following the work of a small but dedicated committee including unions, local government, the safety regulator and family members who had lost a loved one at work. There is no other dedicated place of remembrance for workers killed on the job in Tasmania. But the park was never fully completed to its original design. At Unions Tasmania, workplace safety is our #1 priority. The Park is an opportunity to show respect to families left behind and offers an opportunity to educate the community on the need to take safety at work seriously. The Government needs to step up and finally fund the completion of the Park.1,047 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Jessica Munday
Protect mental health for paramedicsParamedics play a vital role in our community, helping Victorians when they are most in need. But it's challenging work, with paramedics suffering high levels of burnout, occupational violence, and exhaustion - physical, mental and emotional. Exposure to trauma is an unavoidable feature of the job, and increases the prevalence of a number of mental health conditions such as depression, anxiety and PTSD. Paramedics and the AEAV are speaking up about needing the support of the community to win protections for psychological health in the workplace.553 of 600 SignaturesCreated by Ambulance Employees Australia - Victoria
Deliveroo: Raise the RateOur hours, daily and weekly earnings are lower than they've ever been before, even though we've been doing the same job the whole time. Riders used to be paid $18.50 an hour and now we're not paid an hourly rate at all. Deliveries can be as low as $6 or less, despite Deliveroo promising they wouldn't go below $8 per delivery. There's no transparency and no ability to say no to changes in our wages. We just notice it going down through the app. We work in the cold conditions during winter. We work really hard for peanuts. Seeing our wages go down and down is gut-wrenching. We can't depend on these wages. We are demanding Deliveroo raise our rates of pay and lock them in. Deliveroo workers need security and a living wage. Michael, PK, Radhesh and the Roo Riders2,670 of 3,000 SignaturesCreated by Michael, PK, Radhesh and the Roo Riders
Supermarket CEO's: Meet Perfection Fresh workers targeted for joining the union and Speaking Out!Workers at the Perfection Fresh glasshouse in South Australia were the first group of workers to kick out dodgy contractors and win their first enterprise agreement. They are now joining with other Perfection Fresh workers to win basic rights as workers, have the company recognise their freedom to be union and make sure workers are able to speak out! By speaking out together and supporting the struggle of brave farmworkers we can make sure REAL action is taken to end worker exploitation and abuse that is happening throughout the supermarket supply chain. "The company puts too much pressure on us and has no respect for our rights. They target any worker that joins the union. The working conditions are extremely unsafe and many of us have become injured. As farmworkers we are asking Coles and Woolworths to support us and help us fight for our right to speak out!" - Safdar, worker and union delegate at Perfection Fresh856 of 1,000 SignaturesCreated by National Union of Workers
UberEats, how can you let this happen?This is not good enough. We work hard and deserve to be safe, have a living wage and to be afforded decent working conditions. We are a large community and seeing this is scary, it could happen to any of us and there should be real support. If workers are injured we have to pay any medical costs, and will not receive any pay while we are unable to work. For workers here on a visa, it is unlikely travel insurance will cover an injury sustained while working. There's no compensation if you get hurt and you can be out of work for months if you have a crash. In a survey by the Transport Workers Union, 46.5% of riders said they or someone they know has been hurt while working as a food delivery rider. Riders have no physically safe workplace. We shouldn’t have to struggle for no sick pay, no workers comp, and barely enough money to live on. It's not fair, and UberEats needs to take responsibility. Sign the petition if you agree!2,740 of 3,000 SignaturesCreated by UberEats riders