• Save our mental health services!
    If the Federal Coalition Government fails to immediately commit to fund community mental health programs for at least 3 years and fix the massive funding gap that has caused this crisis – the whole community is going to suffer. Thousands of experienced mental health workers will lose their jobs. Tens of thousands of people with mental health issues will be left without any support and nowhere to go. It’s a crisis, and it’s happening now. Sign the petition and share. We need every signature to call on the Government to fix this crisis. It cannot wait.
    1,498 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Australian Services Union
  • Condemn Joe's Shoe Store
    Heaps of workers in the hospitality industry are employed as casuals. Bosses think this means they can treat and pay us however they like and then sack us the second we question their dodgy practices. There is no job security and no respect. Pretty much all of Joe’s staff are casual, and they prey on the fact that we are students, young workers, or migrant workers like me. They paid part of my wages in cash and part into my bank account and they kept some for themselves. They didn’t provide payslips so it was nearly impossible to keep track of what I was being paid. Dodgy employers like these guys must be held to account. Hospo Voice members are standing up and demanding every hospo employer pays us our correct legal wages. We are asking customers to only support venues that respect their staff. Join me and fellow workers to condemn Joe’s Shoe Store for the disgusting way they treat their staff.
    1,747 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Alfonso Elizondo
  • Hold Officeworks accountable for allowing the printing of nazi propaganda and hate at their store
    While the majority of the Christchurch terror attack victims are still yet to be burried, Officeworks has ALLOWED the printing of swastikas for the second time since the massacre.  On three occasions, local Werribbee neo nazi Len Reynolds ('Lensta Reynolds' on Facebook) has printed these hate symbols on Officeworks equipment. If this isn't abhorrent enough, Len threatened to bash a now ex-worker of Officeworks. Officeworks did nothing when Len came back instore, except tell this ex-worker to stay in the tearoom whilst Len Reynolds printed his nazi propaganda. Officeworks response to instant outrage has been to relegate themselves to the 'tearoom' in hiding. Deleting comments on their page, refusing to acknowledge and address their absolute complicity in the printing of nazi hate symbols and the perpetuation of facists ideology.  Please sign and leave comments.  This petition will be taken to the local authorities and to Officeworks head office. Hate, facism and nazism must be stopped in it's tracks. To do nothing is to be complicit.  SHAME ON YOU OFFICEWORKS!!! We see you!
    65 of 100 Signatures
    Created by B Mortimer
  • Stop Giving Carlton the Opening Match of the Season
    The first game of the first round of the season is one of the biggest and most exciting nights on the AFL calendar. Why do Carlton continue to get rewarded with this fixture when they continue to perform poorly?
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Emmy Fitz
  • Raise Newstart to the Poverty Line
    Newstart is $243 per week below the poverty line. Thanks to our government's refusal to raise the rate, unemployed Australians are being forced to needlessly endure crushing poverty every single day of their lives. Because there are far more job seekers than jobs available, the average time spent on Newstart is now five-and-a-half years. According to the ABS, there are currently 16 job seekers competing for every job available. In a wealthy country like Australia, which has "enjoyed" almost three decades of continuous economic growth, nobody should have to starve on lowly social security entitlements. We must fight for the right of unemployed workers to a liveable income. We must demand our leaders immediately raise Newstart to the poverty line.
    1,049 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Australian Unemployed Workers Union
  • Stop the Ramsay Centre at UQ
    UQ management's current negotiations with the Ramsay Foundation - a conservative organisation that proposes to fund programs and majors in “Western Civilisation” threaten academic freedom at UQ, UQ's national and international reputation and the university's commitment to equity and diversity. The published statements of Ramsay Centre board members make clear that it is an explicitly political-ideological enterprise dedicated to promoting a particular, uncontested view of “Western Civilisation” expressly counterposed to current practices and approaches at UQ. Why is this important? NTEU members, staff and students at UQ are determined that the proposed centre will not go ahead. The project would allow Ramsay representatives to have decision making power on the hiring for staff teaching into the program. This is an attempt to pay cash for a University curriculum that serves conservative political ends. UQ must reject Ramsay and demonstrate that we are NOT FOR SALE. Call on the Vice Chancellor, Chancellor and the Senate to reject the proposed Ramsay Centre! Sign the petition below:
    770 of 800 Signatures
    Created by NTEU UQ Branch
  • No Mind Left Behind
    Campus counselling services usually cap the number of sessions offered to individual students each year. As mental health support off-campus isn’t accessible to many students, this locks them out of mental healthcare either entirely or for extended periods. Counselling sessions at universities must be uncapped. Campus counselling services rarely hire enough staff to meet student demand, forcing students to wait weeks or even months to book sessions with no mental healthcare while they wait. Universities must adequately staff counselling services to keep wait times for sessions below two weeks. Some campus counselling services prevent students from booking sessions at all through walk-in only policies. In other services bookings can be made but only in person, not online or over the phone. But for many students with mental ill health or various disabilities, such policies prevent them from accessing sessions at all. Students must be able to book sessions in advance and through accessible methods. At some campus counselling services students have no choice of counsellor, they're stopped from changing counsellors as needed or forced to change counsellors against their wishes, neither of which is conducive to effective mental healthcare. Students must be allowed to choose counsellors according to their needs. Many campus counselling services don’t provide specialist services relevant to students’ needs, such as counsellors trained to support students with experiences of sexual assault, trauma, and psychological conditions other than depression and anxiety. Universities must provide counsellors with training relevant to the mental health issues students are affected by. Universities largely fail to promote campus counselling services to all students. Many promote services inconsistently during peak times like orientation and exams but not all year, and promotion often targets first years but not other students. Universities must do more to promote services and regularly integrate promotion into communications with students.
    513 of 600 Signatures
    Created by NUS Disabilities Picture
  • More Affordable Housing for ANU Students
    Whilst the ANU has made great strides to tackle the complicated issue of providing accommodation for a growing student population, there are still many pressing and urgent issues for postgraduate students that must be addressed. There are still postgraduate students being exploited by predatory landlords, skipping meals to pay for the bare necessities, and sleeping rough in the library and their offices to ensure that they have a safe place to sleep at night. In recognising that the ANU is providing additional accommodation for students in the upcoming years, it is not merely enough to have this accommodation available, it also needs to be accessible, affordable and adequate. Additionally, to meet the first-year guarantee, second- and third-year students will need to seek accommodation off-campus in a city that was just named the most expensive rent market in Australia.
    413 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Terese Corkish
  • Stop Wage Theft At Dinner By Heston
    The Fair Work Ombudsman must investigate Dinner By Heston and take strong action against venues like these that use salary-based arrangements to underpay their workers. The law is clear: Employers must keep an accurate daily record of start and finish times, of the hours worked, and breaks taken, and have them signed weekly by employees. Employers must also do a reconciliation to see if staff have been underpaid. And if there is a shortfall, the employer must pay the difference. We are calling on the watchdog to enforce the law at Dinner By Heston. They must ensure these workers are paid for every hour they work and are paid back all their stolen wages.
    2,250 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Dinner by Heston staff
  • Fair Pay for Merivale Staff: Terminate the 'Zombie' agreement now!!
    Thousands of workers at Merivale have been trapped on a “zombie” workplace agreement that is almost ten years old. The deal means thousands of workers are left without penalty rates for evening and weekend work. That’s right: we’re paid the same rate whether we am working at 1pm on Monday afternoon or 2am on Sunday morning. Young workers like us have lost thousands of dollars compared to what we could have earned under the award. Even worse, Merivale did not even live up to its own agreement and workers have been underpaid thousands of dollars. It’s not right, it’s not fair, and we’re not taking it! We’ve hit the media and, together, we’re taking action to demand fair pay! Sign our petition! Join the union!
    334 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Maddie Rose
  • Respect our dignity!
    I support Victorians’ Voluntary Assisted Dying legislation. That’s why I’m asking all candidates to commit to this legislation, so that Victorians with a terminal illness receive the compassion and dignity they deserve at the end of their lives. It is time to end the division on this important issue. Victoria is the first state to pass voluntary assisted dying legislation. Conservatives now want to deny Victorians compassion and dignity at the end of their lives. For more information, visit: https://www.nomoredebate.org.au/
    523 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Dying With Dignity
  • Immediately transfer all refugee children and their families from Nauru to Australia
    Scott Morrison has the power to immediately end the suffering of refugee children, their families and others seeking asylum who are stuck in limbo on Nauru. They are being further traumatised every day that he refuses to not act in their interests. As a nation we cannot stand by and allow innocent children on Nauru continue to live in misery which prevents them from accessing a future all children deserve. The Prime Minister must stop putting his own political interests ahead of the welfare of those asylum seekers who rely on us to give them hope and safety. As educators we owe it to these children to put our full support behind them and tell the federal Liberal government to act with humanity and compassion, not hatred and division. By signing the letter to the Prime Minister you can stand with educators around Australia demanding that Scott Morrison acts.
    10,937 of 15,000 Signatures
    Created by Australian Education Union & Independent Education Union of Australia