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Hairy Little Sista: Stop Stealing WagesAcross the hospitality industry, from Barry Cafe to Chin Chin to Vue de Monde, wage theft has become a business model. Hospo workers are fed up and now we’re fighting back. We have joined together to launch Hospo Voice, a powerful new union just for hospo workers so we can hold employers to account. We're calling on the Fair Work Ombudsman to conduct a full audit of Hairy Little Sista and order repayment of unpaid wages to all past and present staff. Right now.1,671 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Harry Connor
Job Security for Court SecuritySince Broadspectrum was awarded the Court & Custodial contract by the Department of Justice in 2016, officers have seen their workplace suffer. The Liberal State Government at the time awarded Broadspectrum the contract at $36 million less than the previous contractor. This $36 million was stripped from the pockets of these workers’ by shafting these workers onto the JBU (Justice Business Unit) no-stake agreement. The JBU was voted on by people who didn’t have a stake in the workplace and undermined years of fighting for good working conditions. In doing this the work environment at Broadspectrum for court and custodial officers has deteriorated. In September 2019 a well published escape of a notorious prisoner Laurie Dodds was attributed to the deteriorating standards of employment at Broadspectrum. Training standards have deteriorated and remuneration for these officers does not compensate them for the job they do. No longer can the contractor attract and retain talented operators for the role. Officers are abused and spat at by prisoners daily and are not afforded the proper protections to remain loyal to this job. Morale is low and employee turn-over is high, which only leads to loss of human capital & knowledge that is built over time. Further an incident in February 2021 where a prisoner had their thumb severed in a prison van’s door is another example of policy and standards where Broadspectrum have cut corners and caused casualties. Since the Federal court of Australia quashed the JBU agreement, Broadspectrum officers have been building industrial strength to fight for the working conditions they are entitled to. These officers are now in the midst of bargaining their new Enterprise Agreement and fighting for better standards of employment to attract and retain talented officers to the job. But Broadspectrum continues to cut corners by devaluing the roles these officers do for safe & secure communities. Broadspectrum have made an offer of a 1% increase and a 1-year agreement for these workers. This is not justified for these workers to continue to keep prisoners locked up and communities safe. It is time for Broadspectrum to come to the table on a real offer. And for the state Government to consider if they really want a Government department to be associated with a contractor who treats their workers unfairly and unjustly. Read more about the history of this fight here: http://www.twuwa.org.au/articles/view/job-security-for-court-security.html344 of 400 SignaturesCreated by Transport Workers Union WA
Steven Marshall: Fund the Gap for Critical Mental Health Services by June 30Community based, mental health support programs like the Personal Helpers and Mentors Service (PHaMs) are crucial in supporting people dealing with mental health issues to live a good life. With federal funding for the program being cut by 50% on June 30, thousands of South Australians currently benefiting from the program will be left without support and the jobs of approximately 150 highly trained workers have been put at risk. Join Australian Services Union members and key organisations in the mental health sector in calling on South Australian Premier Steven Marshall to step up and fill the funding gap before June 30 to save this crucial mental health program.313 of 400 SignaturesCreated by Australian Services Union SA & NT
Save Melbourne City Child Care CentreAs parents of pre-school kids at the Melbourne City Childcare Centre on A'Beckett Street, we are upset and angry about the hastily announced proposal from Melbourne City Council to shut the centre in four weeks. We have been given an unreasonably short consultation period of two weeks and are feeling rushed and stressed by the sudden announcement. We want the decision reversed because it is going to be bad for our kids, bad for our families and bad for the early childhood educators and carers who work at the centre. Our kids need to stay with their friends and educators and carers they trust. The educators and carers need their jobs. Our families need accessible care near our work for our kids. Melbourne City Childcare Centre provides a safe, fun and professional service to our pre-school kids. This centre offers a unique 'family' like environment. Our MCCC community is irreplaceable and the value cannot be seen in budgets and bottom lines. Our response to this proposal is a reflection of the respect and support that we have for one another. As parents, we worry about moving our kids from their established friendships and relationships at the centre. We also worry about the confusion and stress caused by finding and settling in to new childcares. As working families it is important that we have access to childcare near our workplaces, we know that finding other good quality centres for our kids in such a short timeframe will be incredibly difficult and stressful. We ask that you sign this petition to call on Melbourne City Council to keep our childcare centre open. - Parents of Melbourne City Childcare Centre, A'Beckett Street511 of 600 SignaturesCreated by Eleanor Kennedy
Don't Deport Refugees and Asylum Seekers to DangerAustralia continues to forcibly deport asylum seekers back to places such as Sri Lanka, Iraq, and Afghanistan where they face imprisonment, torture and death. Article 33 of the UN Refugee Convention, to which Australia is a signatory, states “No Contracting State shall expel or return ('refouler’) a refugee in any manner whatsoever to the frontiers of territories where his [sic] life or freedom would be threatened on account of his [sic] race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group or political opinion.” Thousands of asylum seekers in Australia are at risk of deportation particularly because the Coalition government changed asylum assessment processes and abolished the Refugee Review Tribunal. An investigation by the Edmund Rice Centre in 2011 found that of 179 refugees who were forcibly returned to Afghanistan 20 had been confirmed killed and dozens more had disappeared. An update of the report in July 2017 concludes “it would be impossible for Australian, European and other governments to guarantee the safety of Afghan returnees in this period of instability”. Deportation itself is a brutal process often involving physical or chemical restraint. It breaches Australia’s obligations under international law. People deported by Australia have been bound and gagged. Deportations sometimes occur in the middle of the night with little to no warning for the person being deported. In 2010 Jimmy Mubenga, was suffocated to death while being restrained on a British Airways flight during deportation by the UK government. Deportation invariably puts passenger safety at risk because asylum seekers will often rightfully resist the process. Abdlmoneim Khogali, a Sudanese asylum seeker handcuffed to a passenger seat ripped the seat from its floor mountings in an attempt to avoid deportation from Australia. He was then beaten by guards in front of passengers. Several attempts were made to inject him with tranquilliser, the needle missed and bent into the seat. He was eventually injected with that same bent and contaminated needle, and bears scars from it. Deportation is self-evidently harmful for asylum seekers and can also be traumatic for airline staff and passengers. Airlines are not legally required to carry out forced deportations. In Germany pilots refused to carry out deportations 222 times between January and September 2017. Lufthansa spokesman Michael Lamberty told the Westdeutsche Allegeimeine Zeitung newspaper that pilots were able to make such decisions if they thought that flight safety could be affected. Deportations are happening here in Australia quite frequently. Just weeks ago a Tamil family from Biloela in Queensland were ripped from their beds in the middle of the night. Priya, Nades and their two young girls now face imminent deportation from MITA detention centre in Melbourne. We know that Tamils face torture and even death upon their return to Sri Lanka. This petition has been endorsed by: - Dr Gillian Triggs - Julian Burnside - People Just Like Us - The Edmund Rice Centre227 of 300 SignaturesCreated by Geraldine Fela
Cook is a crook!For a lot of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians, the commemoration of the arrival of the first fleet promotes the highest degree of negativity. The arrival of the first fleet marks the beginning of the oppression of our mob - the continued disadvantage and structural violence perpetrated towards First Nations people began on this day. I am an Aboriginal man whose mob is from the NT, and I am cut up inside whenever I see anything to do with Captain Cook or the First Fleet, because these things represent the suffering that my family have historically faced and continue to face. We do not think this is an appropriate use of tax payers funds, working people earned these funds, including our Mob, and this is a shocking misuse of government money. We want this funding redacted from the government, and you should too! Sign our petition and share with the hashtag #cookisacrook! Like our Facebook page to support our campaign: www.facebook.com/cookisacrook1,075 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Ethan Taylor, UATSIS National President
Save our stop (Nicholson st/Victora st) before it's too late!We are all for accessibility at existing stops, even if that means getting rid of a few car parks. BUT DONT TAKE OUR STOP! The current plans to make the 96 tram accessible is all well and good but why do they have to remove stop 26. They say they are merging the stops but really they are just abolishing the stop at Victoria street completely. You can read more here: https://getinvolved.transport.vic.gov.au/route-96-upgrade If the stop at Victoria street is taken away that could mean 10s of hours extra every year some of us take to get to and from our home!1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Sebbo McEggo
Accessible Playground for UrungaInclusive Playgrounds are important for all to enjoy. Bellingen prides itself on being an inclusive community and it's the right thing to do to extend this to the children in our Shire and beyond. We support playgrounds for all. Increasingly playgrounds across the state and country are being updated to include accessible elements. We believe that Bellingen Shire Council, our State and Federal Governments should support extending this initiative to Urunga.74 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Natalie Stevens
Please save Brooklyn Nine-NineAs Buzzfeed stated so eloquently yesterday: 1. Captain Holt's ADORABLE corgi Cheddar needs to make Daddy proud for 10 more seasons. 2. The world needs to see more of Terry's mesmerizing pec dance. 3. Jake and Boyle's endearingly weird bromance is the purest friendship in history. 4. The show is funny even when it's DARK. 5. The diversity and representation in the cast is amazing. 6. Gina is always 10 steps ahead, and life without her wisdom on a weekly basis would be meaningless. 7. The world needs more, not less, of Captain Holt's hip slang. 8. We need to find out whether Jake ever gets around to cleaning out his locker. 9. And then there's the epic action sequences ... 10. ... the top-tier police tactics ... 11. ... and the incredible, iconic musical performances. 12. The show deals with relevant social issues that other shows won't even acknowledge. 13. The show's creator, Michael Shur also created Parks & Rec and The Good Place, as well as writing on The Office. Oh, he also played Mose Shrute. 14. We cannot allow the next Halloween episode to be the last. 15. "Title of your sex tape" is the new "That's what she said," and it's nowhere even close to getting old yet. 16. Hitchcock and Scully are national treasures and they need to be protected. 17. We need to spend more time exploring Jake's relationship with his worst enemy/best friend Doug Judy. 18. Adrian Pimento has so much more to give. 19. Boyle has so many more mistakes to make with the English language. 20. We will all be lost if we don't have Rosa to protect us. 21. And our lives will be sadder and smaller without Jake's countless Die Hard references ... 22. ... the deep and beautiful office friendships ... 23. ... Gina's never-ending sass ... 24. ... Terry's emotional coping mechanisms ... 25. ... Captain Holt's joyful demeanor ... 26. ... Jake and Amy's adorable romance ... 27. ... and Terry's yogurt obsession. 28. Without the team's expert interrogation techniques, we would never learn anything about ourselves. 29. And without Jake's naive optimism, we would be forced to give up hope. In conclusion WE CANNOT LET THEM CANCEL Brooklyn Nine -Nine. Together we can save this show, and in the process, the planet.853 of 1,000 SignaturesCreated by Tess Corkish
The federal government needs to take action on domestic ViolenceAnnouncing the federal budget, Treasurer Scott Morrison stated that "keeping Australians safe" was one of five commitments prioritised by the Turnbull government. They demonstrated this by an increase in funding to tighten visa processing scrutiny, increase security at airports, and assist police and crime agencies to fight crime and terrorism. A WOMAN DIES EVERY WEEK AT THE HANDS OF HER CURRENT OR EX PARTNER. How can this government possibly say they are committed to keeping Australians safe when they have so heinously overlooked those so vulnerable, in such desperate need. This is not a responsible government, they do not prioritise and care for the needs of their people. Sign this petition to send a message to Canberra that the Australian people aren't okay with this and we won't tolerate it.39 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Alana Egan
Sacked for requesting fair pay!Hospo workers are too often exploited. We work without breaks, we're not treated with respect and our wages are stolen. I stood up to my employer and was fired for exercising my rights! Businesses like BARRY get away with this kind of behaviour too often. I'm calling on the Fair Work Ombudsman to conduct a full audit of BARRY and order repayment of wages to past and present staff. Send a clear message that it's time to take wage theft off the menu.3,986 of 4,000 SignaturesCreated by Anna Langford
Sorry means you don't do it again• The number of Indigenous children taken from their families has doubled in the decade since the 2008 apology to the Stolen Generations. Less than 35 per cent of these children are placed with their Aboriginal family. • Funding continues to be directed to removing children. There is no serious investment in early intervention that help keep families together, or to meet the unmet needs for housing, employment and other basic services, the root cause of the “neglect” that leads many children to be removed. • Once kids are removed families struggle to get them back, with little support provided and a system biased against return. Current reforms are placing children in foster care until they are 18 years old almost immediately and there is a further push to ease restrictions on adoption.261 of 300 SignaturesCreated by After the Apology