• Respect AFLW
    In 2019, the AFL is proposing a reduction in the number of rounds of AFLW despite an increase in the number of women's teams playing. We're demanding better. Don't let AFLW become a "gimmicky tournament". It's time for the AFL to show it has a genuine commitment to women's footy.
    5,558 of 6,000 Signatures
    Created by Wil, Danae & Amy
  • Support laws against non-fatal strangulation in Victoria
    CONTENT WARNING A woman surviving non-fatal strangulation is eight times more likely to be later murdered by her domestic violence perpetrator. Like Joy Rowley who was choked unconscious eight months before her murder. Her assailant “wasn't charged for six months amid police concern there was insufficient evidence". https://goo.gl/xHSG8k The State Coroner noted "the introduction of a stand-alone offence of strangulation, suffocation or choking in Victoria may significantly help to ensure strangulation is treated commensurate with the risk it poses to victims, and remove the need for police to prove particular bodily harm or intent to cause injury." https://goo.gl/CbDoHL Those risks include disability or later death, with no external signs of injury, incorrectly attributed to other causes. See: https://goo.gl/XEQFe9 It’s a weapon to instil fear and increase control over a victim. Professionals may miss subtle signs. Training can improve practice and policy. Victims' participation in life is affected, as are families and communities. Child witnesses suffer disrupted education and their physical and mental health may be affected. Laws not recognising the impact of non-fatal strangulation have been shown to let perpetrators get away with their crimes and leave victims living with violence under threat of death.
    457 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Debra Smith Picture
  • Don't Deport Commonwealth Games Asylum Seekers
    Following the Commonwealth Games held at the Gold Coast in April this year roughly 250 athletes fled, seeking protection and safety in Australia. In May, then Home Affairs minister Peter Dutton told 2GB Radio that he needed to "round them up as quickly as possible". A number of these athletes are LGBTI. If they are forced to return to their home countries where homosexuality is illegal, they face the prospect of vicious punishment including "corrective" rape. Others face persecution for having political opinions that oppose their home governments. One of the athletes recently told the Canberra Times, “I just want to live a normal life where I can be free and nobody judges me.” All of these athletes should have the right to live safely in a country which will protect them. More information: https://www.canberratimes.com.au/national/i-don-t-think-i-will-survive-if-i-go-home-20180727-p4ztz6.html
    121 of 200 Signatures
    Created by National Union of Students LGBTI Office
  • Don’t deport Huyen- Stop separating families
    Vietnamese asylum seeker Huyen is facing deportation and indefinite separation from her 4 month old baby Isabella and husband Paul. Catholics are a persecuted minority in Vietnam, and Huyen fled this persecution in 2011. She arrived in Australia by boat, and was detained in Darwin, Christmas Island, Villawood, and then in community detention. In November 2017, Huyen was living in St Albans in Melbourne with her husband Paul, and was 4 months pregnant when she was taken into MITA detention centre in Broadmeadows. In January this year Border Force loaded her onto a chartered flight to Vietnam, but she was 8 months pregnant and so was taken off the plane just before it departed. Huyen is now in MITA detention centre with her 4 month old daughter, and there are no legal barriers to her deportation. Her husband Paul, Isabella’s father, must submit to drug tests, metal detectors, and notoriously elaborate application forms to visit them after work each day. Isabella has inherited her father’s 457 visa status (he is Mauritius Chinese), and if she is deported Huyen would be indefinitely separated from her daughter and husband. Catholic asylum seekers who were returned to Vietnam from Indonesia last year were harassed, arrested, and threatened with imprisonment. Government led and government sanctioned land confiscations, church burnings, violence and threats of torture continue against Catholics and other religious minorities in Vietnam. The UNHCR has just condemned Australia for separating a Sri Lankan refugee family, where the father was deported leaving the mother and 11 month old baby in Sydney. UNHCR is urging the Government of Australia to uphold the fundamental principle of family unity, and allow family members to be together. XIN ĐỪNG TRỤC XUẤT HUYỀN – ĐỪNG CHIA RẼ GIA ĐÌNH HUYỀN Kính gởi Ông Peter Dutton , Bộ trưởng bộ di trú Cô Huyền là một người tầm trú vượt biển tìm tự do đang có nguy cơ bị trục xuất về Việt nam đau xót lìa xa con thơ Isabella 4 tháng và chồng là Paul Đàn áp Công giáo tại Nghệ an Việt nam đã đẩy Huyền trốn chạy khỏi Việt nam bằng ghe vượt biển ,đến đảo Chrismas Island , rồi trại cấm Darwin , trại cấm Villawood , nhà quản thúc . Tháng 11/2017 , đang sống ở St Albans với chồng thì Huyền bị bắt đưa vào trại biệt giam MITA lúc đang mang thai được 4 tháng . Tháng 1/2018 Huyền bị đưa ra sân bay để trục xuất về Việt nam , nhưng lúc đó thai nhi đã được 8 tháng , vì sự an toàn cho thai nhi nên nhân viên bộ di trú đã đưa Huyền xuống khỏi máy bay trở lại trại MITA Bây giờ Huyền đang ở trại MITA với con gái 4 tháng mà không được tí ân huệ nào ngăn chận nguy cơ trục xuất về Việt nam . Anh Paul mỗi ngày sau khi đi làm về phải trải qua nhiều khám xét về ma túy , vũ khí và độc dược để điền đơn vào thăm vợ con . Bé Isabella thừa nhận visa 457 của cha ( Paul là người Trung Hoa) visa làm việc tạm thời , do đó nếu bị trục xuất cô sẽ đau đớn xa con thơ và chồng Năm ngoái bộ di trú đã trục xuất những người tầm trú vì bị đàn áp tôn giáo về Việt nam từ Indonesia , những người này đã bị quấy nhiễu , bị bắt bỏ tù , bị tra tấn và đe dọa đến khủng hoảng Nhà nước Việt nam đã ra sắc lệnh tịch thu đất đai , đốt cháy nhà thờ , đập phá các nơi thờ cúng của đạo Công giáo và các đạo khác Cao ủy tỵ nạn Liên Hiệp Quốc cũng lên án bộ di trú Úc đã tàn nhẫn trục xuất người chồng người tỵ nạn Sri Lanka về nước bỏ lại vợ và con 11 tháng ở Sydney . Cao ủy tỵ nạn Liên Hiệp Quốc cũng yêu cầu chính phủ Úc phải quan tâm và xét lại đạo luật nhân đạo để giữ cho gia đình được ở chung với nhau Chúng tôi xin Ông Bộ trưởng Dutton hãy cho Huyền một ân huệ cuối cùng để được ra khỏi trại biệt giam MITA và ân xá cho Huyền được theo visa của chồng và con .
    2,393 of 3,000 Signatures
  • Support laws against non-fatal strangulation in South Australia
    CONTENT WARNING A woman surviving non-fatal strangulation is eight times more likely to be later murdered by her domestic violence perpetrator. Like Joy Rowley who was choked unconscious eight months before her murder. Her assailant “wasn't charged for six months amid police concern there was insufficient evidence". https://goo.gl/xHSG8k Strangulation can cause disability or later death, with no external signs of injury. They may be incorrectly attributed to other causes. See: https://goo.gl/XEQFe9 It’s a weapon to instil fear and increase control over a victim. Professionals may miss subtle signs. Training can improve practice and policy. Victims' participation in life is affected, as are families' and communities'. Child witnesses suffer disrupted education and their physical and mental health may be affected. Laws not recognising the impact of non-fatal strangulation have been shown to let perpetrators get away with their crimes and leave victims living with violence under threat of death.
    741 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Debra Smith Picture
  • End Illegal Asbestos Imports
    Asbestos has been banned in Australia since 2003 however every week illegal asbestos imports are stopped at our border. Some new asbestos products are also still making their way into our communities and workplaces in the form of building materials, car parts, children’s crayons and even home decorations. Once they inside Australia, it’s hard to detect them and then hard to get them removed without strong government regulation and enforcement. As long as countries in our region such as China, Indonesia, Vietnam, Laos, India and Cambodia continue to manufacture asbestos products, we will continue to get illegal imports. Asbestos isn’t safe at any level of exposure. That’s why we’re supporting campaigns to ban asbestos throughout our region. In November 2017 the Senate Inquiry into Non-Conforming Building Products delivered an interim report into illegal asbestos imports. The recommendations included: • The Australian Government supporting asbestos bans internationally • Increased prosecutions and penalties for illegal imports • A whole of Government approach to ending illegal asbestos imports • Funding for the Asbestos Safety and Eradication Agency • More education and training on illegal asbestos imports • Funding to adequately screen imports • Compulsory recalls for consumer products containing asbestos The Liberal and Nationals members of the Inquiry called the recommendations ‘overreach’. Though a response has been due since May, the Government is yet to respond. We’re calling on the Government to support the recommendations of the inquiry, will you join us?
    377 of 400 Signatures
  • Ichi Group: Stop Exploiting Migrant Workers
    I’m calling on the Fair Work Ombudsman to conduct a comprehensive audit of the Ichi Group and ensure they are paying correct wages and that ALL former and current employees receive their correct back pay. It’s not fair that the most vulnerable workers, who were paid even less than me, should miss out on being repaid their stolen wages. Hospo Voice members don’t want to see this kind of exploitation of migrant workers in our industry. That’s why we are demanding ALL current and former staff are paid back everything that they are owed.
    1,003 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Oscar Shaw, Hospo Voice member
  • Tell Turnbull to apologise to aged care workers!
    Malcolm Turnbull has just shown us what he really thinks of aged care workers and the care we give. We provide quality care to older Australians and help ensure they have dignified lives. It’s hard to imagine what a “better job” could be, but our rate of pay doesn’t reflect that. Honestly, Malcolm Turnbull’s attitude towards aged care is nothing new. He has already cut funding for aged care by more than a billion dollars, leaving aged care service providers struggling to provide the care our older Australians deserve. Turnbull has done a massive disservice to aged care workers like myself and the people we care for. The people we care for have done so much for our community and now I feel we’re failing when it’s our turn to care for them. He claims he values aged care but his words and actions don’t line up. Turnbull needs not only to apologise for his comments, but put his money where his mouth is and increase funding to aged care. Let’s make it very clear: Turnbull needs to value aged care workers and the people we care for!
    728 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Elaine Smith Picture
    The Ramsay Centre is a private body with $3 billion to establish a “Western Civilisation” arts degree at major universities, funded by a bequest from private health magnate and top Liberal Party donor Paul Ramsay. The Ramsay Centre aims to give academic respectability to racist ideas under the guise of celebrating “Western Civilisation” and its supposed supremacy. Board members of the Ramsay Centre include hard right former Liberal Prime Ministers, John Howard and Tony Abbott. Speaking to the course content of the proposed Ramsay Centre, Abbott affirmed the Centre’s conservative and Eurocentric vision, emphasising “it’s not just about Western Civilisation but in favour of it”. Structural discrimination will be introduced to the humanities with enormous resources, including $25,000 scholarships and small tutorial sizes, given to students who study “Western Civilisation” but not to students that study areas they deem inferior; those Abbott decries as “pervaded by Asian, Indigenous and sustainability perspectives”. University staff have expressed well founded concerns regarding academic independence. Ramsay Centre CEO Simon Haines has said they will review all course content, not hire teachers who have criticised Western civilisation and will withdraw funding if they think the course isn’t sufficiently pro-West. Universities should be a place to challenge dominant ideas, institutions and systems - not a place where billionaires can buy influence over curriculum, staffing and pedagogy in order to pedal racism disguised as appreciation for “Western Culture”. The University is selling control over its curriculum to the highest bidder and turning a blind eye to academic freedom and integrity to do so. We are strongly opposed to the University entering into any arrangement with the Ramsay Centre for Western Civilisation.
    113 of 200 Signatures
    Created by University of Sydney Students' Representative Council Picture
  • Hairy Little Sista: Stop Stealing Wages
    Across the hospitality industry, from Barry Cafe to Chin Chin to Vue de Monde, wage theft has become a business model. Hospo workers are fed up and now we’re fighting back. We have joined together to launch Hospo Voice, a powerful new union just for hospo workers so we can hold employers to account. We're calling on the Fair Work Ombudsman to conduct a full audit of Hairy Little Sista and order repayment of unpaid wages to all past and present staff. Right now.
    1,671 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Harry Connor
  • Job Security for Court Security
    Since Broadspectrum was awarded the Court & Custodial contract by the Department of Justice in 2016, officers have seen their workplace suffer. The Liberal State Government at the time awarded Broadspectrum the contract at $36 million less than the previous contractor. This $36 million was stripped from the pockets of these workers’ by shafting these workers onto the JBU (Justice Business Unit) no-stake agreement. The JBU was voted on by people who didn’t have a stake in the workplace and undermined years of fighting for good working conditions. In doing this the work environment at Broadspectrum for court and custodial officers has deteriorated. In September 2019 a well published escape of a notorious prisoner Laurie Dodds was attributed to the deteriorating standards of employment at Broadspectrum. Training standards have deteriorated and remuneration for these officers does not compensate them for the job they do. No longer can the contractor attract and retain talented operators for the role. Officers are abused and spat at by prisoners daily and are not afforded the proper protections to remain loyal to this job. Morale is low and employee turn-over is high, which only leads to loss of human capital & knowledge that is built over time. Further an incident in February 2021 where a prisoner had their thumb severed in a prison van’s door is another example of policy and standards where Broadspectrum have cut corners and caused casualties. Since the Federal court of Australia quashed the JBU agreement, Broadspectrum officers have been building industrial strength to fight for the working conditions they are entitled to. These officers are now in the midst of bargaining their new Enterprise Agreement and fighting for better standards of employment to attract and retain talented officers to the job. But Broadspectrum continues to cut corners by devaluing the roles these officers do for safe & secure communities. Broadspectrum have made an offer of a 1% increase and a 1-year agreement for these workers. This is not justified for these workers to continue to keep prisoners locked up and communities safe. It is time for Broadspectrum to come to the table on a real offer. And for the state Government to consider if they really want a Government department to be associated with a contractor who treats their workers unfairly and unjustly. Read more about the history of this fight here: http://www.twuwa.org.au/articles/view/job-security-for-court-security.html
    344 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Transport Workers Union WA Picture
  • Steven Marshall: Fund the Gap for Critical Mental Health Services by June 30
    Community based, mental health support programs like the Personal Helpers and Mentors Service (PHaMs) are crucial in supporting people dealing with mental health issues to live a good life. With federal funding for the program being cut by 50% on June 30, thousands of South Australians currently benefiting from the program will be left without support and the jobs of approximately 150 highly trained workers have been put at risk. Join Australian Services Union members and key organisations in the mental health sector in calling on South Australian Premier Steven Marshall to step up and fill the funding gap before June 30 to save this crucial mental health program.
    313 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Australian Services Union SA & NT