• End Fly In Fly Out (FIFO) rosters longer than 3 weeks in Construction
    The rising death toll along with the ever increasing suicide rate on these jobs, continues to spiral out of control. We should be pushing for more family friendly rosters, as the toll on both workers and family's is well beyond the financial reward now being offered.
    161 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Union News Australia @facebook & Twitter
  • Establish Senate Inquiry Into Job Agencies
    The $10 billion employment services system is one of the biggest and most socially destructive rorts ever perpetuated against a Federal government Every day, private job agencies bully unemployed workers into attending dangerous Work for the Dole sites and other unfair activities in order to make a quick buck. Unemployed workers who refuse to be bullied into one of these unfair activities are penalised. During 2015/16, job agencies imposed a record 2,114,291 million penalties on unemployed workers - up from 311,622 in 2011. Many penalties are unfair - 37.5% of unemployed workers who appealed against a penalty had it overturned by Centrelink. Since 2011, the rate of job agency decisions overturned by Centrelink has increased by 15% - a clear sign the system is broken. The failure of the government to regulate the industry and penalise abusive job agencies has created a culture of fear and intimidation throughout the industry. The suffering endured by the 900,000 unemployed workers participating in this system is incalculable The death of Josh Park Fing at his Work for the Dole site in Toowoomba - one of the 64% of WFTD sites that do not meet basic safety standards - is a product of this punitive and broken system. The punitive job agencies system must be addressed immediately. A Senate inquiry is the first step. The ALP has the power to make this happen.
    1,365 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Australian Unemployed Workers Union Picture
  • Support the people who power South Australia
    The people who work in South Australia's power industry deserve to be treated equally for equal work. But currently South Australian Power Networks (SAPN) management are trying to break the business in two, using the excuse that they need agreements that comply with the building code. These would force the people who work there onto agreements that: - ban mandatory hiring of apprentices - allow cut-price unskilled labour from labour hire companies - undermine safety and reliability for customers - attack the job security of experienced, reliable South Australians The CEPU/ETU recently successfully campaigned for changes to the building code that would exempt SAPN entirely from it because they perform essential services. Yet SAPN managers have refused to take up the exemption. They want to use the code as an excuse to put the screws on working South Australians. We support quality South Australian work, and the people who perform it. Add your voice below, and tell SAPN to stop playing games and apply for the building code exemptions.
    245 of 300 Signatures
    Created by ETU Australia
  • Cleaners deserve jobs we can count on!
    I'm Judith, and I've been a cleaner for a long time. I've never seen anything like this. In the government's new contract, there’s no jobs guarantee – meaning 7,000 cleaners will all be forced to reapply for our jobs, without entitlements like sick leave that we’ve built up over years of service. And there’s no hours guarantee – which we can’t afford, and also means we won’t be able to keep state schools and public buildings clean. We’ve only got until the end of the year to change this, so please add your name to tell the Premier that cleaners need job security - the more of us who speak out together, the louder our voices are!
    5,300 of 6,000 Signatures
    Created by Judith Barber
  • University of Tasmania: Students deserve a safe campus!
    Despite signing onto the Universities' Australia Respect Now always campaign only last year, and making a commitment to the ongoing Australian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) project aimed at stamping out sexual assault on campus, the University of Tasmania (UTas) is actively welcoming a convicted sex offender on campus. Nicholaas Bester, who is currently a Phd student at the University of Tasmania (UTas) Sandy Bay campus, was convicted and jailed in 2011 for sexually abusing a 15 year old student at St. Michaels Collegiate girls college, where he was head of science. At the time of his parole, Bester was admitted to UTas as a student and received a phd scholarship. In 2015 Bester stated on social media his first crime was 'awesome' in a conversation so offensive it was reported to Tasmania Police and resulted in him being charged with producing child exploitation material. He served a prison sentence for this in 2016, during which time he remained a student at UTas. Despite multiple complaints being made about Besters presense on campus, the University of Tasmania has put students at risk by: - Accepting Bester as a resident in the John Fisher student accommodation complex, where he lived in close proximity with many students. - Making no attempt to terminate Bester’s student status after he was reported to the police for predatory behaviour at the University gymnasium. At the time, an agreement was made with Bester that he would no longer attend the gym, but UTas continued to accommodate him on campus. When questioned, the university deputy vice-chancellor for research, Bridgid Heywood said that "there is nothing in the universities' rules which precludes Bester from continuing his research." However, this appears to ignore the university behaviour policy which states that all staff and students have a right to work and / or study in an environment that is free from inappropriate behaviour, including the sexually harassing and abusive behaviours which Bester has engaged in. The universities decision to support Bester's phd status despite his continued criminal and inappropriate behaviour poses a clear threat to other university students, and in particular the underage students whom attend campus for pre-university units. This is ironic given the university sectors national commitment to creating safer campus environments after the release of the national union of students women's survey last year which showed that over 72% of women experience some form of sexual harassment or violence while studying . Sign the petition to demand that the University respect their commitment to improve student safety, by immediately terminating Nicholaas Bester's Phd scholarship, and banning him from attending all University of Tasmania campuses. *Under Federal and state legislation, universities' are autonomous self-accrediting institutions. The university has the authority to terminate a phd student position according to its own policies.
    3,568 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by Heidi La Paglia
  • Respect is the rule: stop rampant sexual harassment in hospitality!
    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uEJMSOPGBqY&feature=youtu.be I’m Cass, and I’m a bartender. I love my job - but some of my experiences over the last six years working in hospitality have made me feel powerless, vulnerable and simply terrified. When I was 14 working at a cafe, my boss used to corner me and smack my arse. His excuse? “Oh, the kitchen is small.” When I worked as a bartender, my boss tried to make a $100 bet on what colour underwear I was wearing. Another time a customer tried to pay me $400 for sex. That customer came in everyday after work and would harass me - and my boss did nothing because “they’re good drinkers”. These are just a few of my stories, but I know this kind of disgusting harassment is widespread in our industry. For thousands of us, this is a regular part of our working lives - and it’s got to stop. Together, we can send a powerful message to the hospitality industry: we’re human beings, and we deserve respect. Sign our pledge and share it with your friends.
    1,407 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Sorcha Harrop, bartender
  • Stop the wage theft of school cleaners
    I am one of thousands of school cleaners in Victoria. We’re proud of our hard work keeping our schools clean and bright for the students, teachers and parents of Victoria. We are already some of the lowest paid workers in the state. We have families and lives too. We don’t deserve this kind of treatment. We deserve respect, and good secure jobs. Please stand with us and ask Premier Andrews to do the right thing by your school cleaners.
    1,543 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Lorraine Bird Picture
  • Justice for Jorge
    As my partner Jorge left for work on the 27th of November 2014 he told me - as he always did - that he loved me. Rather than respond as I always had, I told him to "be careful on the scissor lift" That was the last time I saw him alive. Jorge was always studious in his approach to safety. He took his responsibility to his workmates very seriously, and wasn’t afraid to voice his concerns. In spite of this, he went to work one day and never came home. The prosecution from SafeWork was dropped just days before it was set to go to court. We deserve answers. We deserve to know what happened to him and why. Jorge has no voice in this, but his story deserves to be heard. We need a Coronial Inquiry.
    1,331 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Pam Gurner-Hall Picture
  • Keep Our Communities Safe: Give us a brake.
    By 2020, approximately 40% of cars will be fitted with an electronic park brake. Practical Driving Assessors are being asked to conduct tests in cars fitted only with electronic park brakes. CPSU/CSA members are opposing the use of electronic park brakes because they are concerned about the safety of the communities they live and work in. Electronic park brakes are not as successful at stopping cars in an emergency situation. West Australians come to their driving assessment with a range of capabilities and in this stressful situation, safety should be paramount. A centrally mounted brake or dual control is the best method to ensure the safety of those being tested, those testing them and the communities in which they are being tested.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by CPSU CSA
  • Not YOUR Honey - Honey Birdette Workers Need Safe Workplaces!
    Three years ago I walked into a company that promised me a future of female positivity. I was painted a world of inclusiveness and feminine glamour that I was assured came from the truest intentions of the appreciation of their uniquely selected staff members. I felt the pride of this identity and pledged myself to this company, ran by women, as a job that honoured me equally in my beliefs and work ethic. Honey Birdette promised a dream. They delivered a nightmare. I saw women mocked for daring to apply for a job at Honey Birdette. I saw workers humiliated and threatened by management because they weren't wearing perfectly applied lipstick all day, their heels weren't high enough, and because they didn't "talk the way a Honey should talk". I saw workers sexually harassed and intimidated by customers - and when these women spoke up, management told them to suck it up. In addition, the hours and hours of unpaid overtime we were expected to do - from starting early and finishing late, to skipping lunch breaks and toilet breaks due to the pressure of missing a sale. Honey Birdette's management pretend they're all about empowering women, but they've sacrificed their values and put their workers in physical danger just to make a profit. It's disgraceful and it needs to end. Workers at Honey Birdette boutiques have a right to feel safe and respected at work.
    7,765 of 8,000 Signatures
    Created by Chanelle Rogers
  • Enough is enough - Bus drivers deserve protection
    Bus driver Lucy said she feared being killed for doing nothing more than her job. Now more then 74 per cent feel unsafe at work at work. At 11pm on 12 October Lucy was driving the 902 orbital Chelsea to Airport West service down Main Road, Eltham, when some coward approached her from behind and launched an unprovoked, sustained and frenzied attack on the 57-year-old as she sat defenceless behind-the-wheel. Despite receiving blow after blow, being spat on and unable to defend herself, Lucy was able to stop the bus from ploughing into innocent pedestrians and oncoming or other traffic. A passenger was eventually able to distract the assailant for long enough for Lucy to gain control of the bus and the attacker simply walked off into the night. A TWU survey of more than 500 Victorian bus drivers has shown , since first starting their jobs, more then 90 per cent of drivers now believe it has become more unsafe and dangerous because of physical assaults and verbal abuse. Since 2011 there have been 102 officially recorded physical assaults and 33 verbal attacks on drivers. The TWU and our members know the true figures are much higher. Our survey results show more then 80 per cent of respondents to the Transport Workers Union survey have said they have stopped reporting physical and verbal assault because they believe nothing gets done. Bus drivers deserve respect and protection. The TWU have made much progress over many years driving up safety and conditions and we will not stop fighting. Now we want your help as we demand Public Transport Victoria act now to introduce the highest industry standards of safety for drivers!
    311 of 400 Signatures
    Created by TWU VIC/TAS Picture
  • Don't celebrate screwing over injured workers
    Insurance companies offer their staff financial incentives if they can figure out a way to avoid paying for injured workers' costs. They celebrate "wins" when they can deny -- or delay -- workers compensation. They even hold an awards ceremony each year to celebrate their success. But while they celebrate, injured workers are contemplating suicide. Insurance agents are dealing in human misery. We need to stop rewarding them for it. I lost my arm and was almost killed while working on a crusher at work. I had to break my own arm and use the broken bone to rip my arm off, in order to save my life. But that was still not as bad as the process of trying to get my insurance claim sorted. If you're seriously injured at work, you don't want the person assessing your compensation claim to get a cash bonus and a prize to turn you down. But that's what's happening. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9SdZ0IOvlag&feature=youtu.be
    1,914 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Ged Wilkie