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Give us our Long Service Leave!It's important to acknowledge AV staff years of service and provide fair entitlements to all staff. A mother who has worked fulltime in Ambulance Victoria for 9 years returns to work from maternity leave to undertake 20 hours of work per week. When she takes her LSL, she will not receive payment based on her years of service within Ambulance Victoria but the 20 hours per week she has most recently worked. This discrepancy impacts women, care-takers, and staff who are working part-time even though they have worked fulltime for many years within the service. AEAV members believe it is discriminatory and unfair to not acknowledge staff years of service simply because a staff member has more recently worked part-time.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Lauren Stanley
Mental Health Support at the UoA Roseworthy Campus!Veterinary students and practitioners are known to suffer from high rates of mental illness. This is especially the case at the university’s Roseworthy campus, where, in a survey conducted by the AVSMH, 27% of veterinary students reported experiencing suicidal ideation. The effects of mental illness are compounded by Roseworthy’s lack of transport and rural location. Such factors either dissuade or outright prevent students from seeking assistance. It is hence important for students to call on the university to provide satisfactory mental health support on campus. When signing this petition, don't forget to use your UoA email so we can prove that these are indeed genuine student demands.42 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Liam Johns
Postpone ACU Return to CampusIn 2022, the COVID-19 pandemic shows no signs of disappearing and presents more risks to health and safety than ever before. New variants like Delta and Omicron are tearing through our community and workplaces. With the risk of workplace transmission ever-increasing, we need strong measures to keep COVID-19 as far as possible from spreading within our university community. As numerous examples have shown, an outbreak at a workplace like ours where there are so many individuals coming and going can have disastrous consequences. Teaching delivery and research can be disrupted or even halted entirely, but the worst effects will be felt by us, the workers. We ask that ACU takes steps to limit the impact by consulting staff and implementing sensible measures. ACU senior management has arbitrarily set February 14 as the date for staff to return to campus. However, they have failed to undertake genuine consultation with staff regarding the potential risks associated with the return to campus and how these risks may be controlled. This has been highlighted by the fact that the University only released its COVID Risk Assessment document for consultation on February 10, just two business days prior to the return to campus.108 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Lisbeth Latham
close down don dale youth detention centreOther people should join and help because young indigenous kids are being treated poorly and abused in the Don Dale youth detention centre. we need your help to free young indigenous kids from being tortured by the police help them be free, help them talk and see their families, help us close down that unfit detention centre.13 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Nikita Watson
Priority RATs for Tasmanian Transport WorkersThe TWU has received an alarming number of reports from drivers and transport workers who are isolating because they are symptomatic or have identified as close contacts. In addition, we’ve had similar discussions with employers. These essential workers are unable to access PCR testing stations, or test themselves due to shortages of Rapid Antigen Tests. They remain in isolation and symptomatic for up to seven days without access to testing kits. This has resulted in severe driver and labour shortages, and dwindling stock in supermarkets and throughout the supply chain. With the rising infections, and without priority access to Rapid Antigen Tests, this situation will be catastrophic for the industry, associated industries and the public at large.14 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Transport Workers Union (TWU) Vic/Tas
Urgent action and support for ECC, educators and parents of under 5 to protect them from COVIDChildren are vulnerable and need to be protected not only with their current health but also future health. COVID is disruptive to ECC and parents and both require financial support. If the government does not provide this support you will see people leave jobs and ECC settings which will have ramifications on tax revenue and impact many small businesses. Women have been disproportionately been impacted in this situation from both the ECC which had a large female demographic to working mothers taking on a disproportionate load when keeping children home in addition to continue working from home for over 2 years.35 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Katherine S
Stop contracting out our jobsContractors to Queensland Rail provide a valuable contribution, but we would rather see them in QR shirts and in permanent employment. Job insecurity leaves workers and families in the lurch and means they're unable to plan for the future and lead happy and healthy lives. The RTBU will always fight for permanent jobs in our industry.38 of 100 SignaturesCreated by RTBU QLD Branch
LITTLE RIVER STREETS AND ROADSAs residents we are entitled to safe roads.14 of 100 SignaturesCreated by David Cook
COUNTRY ROAD WORKERS ARE FIGHTING FOR FAIR PAY AND JOB SECURITY!Workers deserve fair wages and conditions are working throughout the pandemic.12,505 of 15,000 SignaturesCreated by United Workers Union
Pension fund disappearanceWe were as pensioners never to be a burden o the welfare system, now politicians make us look like a drain on society, We have paid for over 50 years towards our retirement. Class action is the next step, over a million pensioners to back Me up.2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Steve Roberts
COLES TURNS IT'S BACK ON IT'S MEAT TEAM MEMBERSAlone we can do little Together we can do so much This is a fight for Coles Meat members and to secure security for our future generation of workers.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by AMIEU NSW Branch
Just Transition• According to the Global Climate Risk Index 2020, between 1999 and 2018, Bangladesh ranked seventh in the countries worst affected by extreme weather events. Of the top seven countries, only Myanmar and the Philippines suffered a bigger death toll than low-lying Bangladesh. • Workers have the right to participate in all the aspects of Just Transition processes. Nobody can represent the interests of workers better than workers themselves and their trade union organizations. Trade unions are called to participate actively in these national follow-up and review processes on the Just Transition with a view to promote and defend workers’ rights as well as the interests of the poorest in society.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Mostafa Kamal