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Scrap the Cap!Locked out of government support during the pandemic, such as the JobKeeper, we were told to go home if we did not have any more funds, while most of us lost our jobs. Later on, after worker shortages was realised, we were the first in line to fill the gap. Thankful for the opportunity to work unrestricted hours in the last year, we have shown that we can sustain the required âsatisfactory course attendanceâ and âsatisfactory course progressâ while working more than 20 hours a week. Despite all that, we choose to stay in Australia because we believe that we make a positive contribution to the Australian society and economy. We believe in the promise of the Australian education, the very same democratic foundation that taught us the idea of a fair-go in life. We are not asking for a hand-out, but we believe that we deserve the freedom of choice on our work hours. Thus, we loudly say, SCRAP the CAP! The Support Network for International Students (SNIS) is a coalition of organisations and individualsâincluding current international students and alliesâwho work collectively to advance the rights and welfare of all international students through various methods and initiatives. Current SNIS members and supporters: Migrante Melbourne, Philippine Studies Network in Australia (PINAS), UFIS (United Filipino International Students), Migrant Workers Centre, Gabriela Australia, PISO (Pinoy International Students Organisation), Multicultural Centre for Womenâs Health (MCWH), Advanced League of Peopleâs Artists (ALPA Melbourne), Filipino Community Council of Victoria Incorporated (FCCVI), Renters and Housing Union (RAHU), Anakbayan Melbourne, Malaya Melbourne, Filipino-Australian Association of Ballarat Inc, Westjustice/Western Community Legal Centre, Living Incomes for Everyone (LIFE), Centre for Migrant Workersâ Concerns (CMWC), United Workers Union (UWU), Colour Code, Australian Workersâ Union (AWU), Sydney Alliance, South Asians For Inclusiveness (SAFI), ACRATH (Australian Catholic Religious Against Trafficking in Humans), Philippine Australia Solidarity Association (PASA), Social Justice and Community Ministries of Dandenong Trinity Uniting Church, Independent and Peaceful Australia Network (IPAN), Tamil Refugee Council, FEGTA (Filipino Elderly Get Together Association), Five Fifty Myth Band, Spirit of Eureka, Victorian Multicultural Commission, International League of Peoplesâ Struggles Australia (ILPS), Philippine Caucus for Peace, Global Vision Migration,The EntrĂ©e.Pinay, Migrante NSW, Sydney Community Forum, SBS Filipino, Democracy in Colour, Migrante WA, Arlan Fajardo of Pinoy Ako Pinoy Tayo, Walter Villagonzalo, MP BronwynHalfpenny, Sanmati Verma, Christina Borromeo, Stef Ocampo, Carol Que, Cal Field, Steff Vasil, Wing Kuang, Orlan Tina, Cathy Weiss2,598 of 3,000 SignaturesCreated by Support Network for International Students
ACU management - consult with your staffOn February 15, the Australian Catholic University issued the âProfessional Services Draft Change Management Plan'which announced the loss of 110 equivalent full-time (EFT) professional staff positions - including 90 EFT positions being made redundant. We are opposed to these job cuts and believe that they are unnecessary. As well as the impacts on staff affected directly, we believe that these cuts will negatively impact the quality of teaching, research, and services. We demand that management demonstrate that all alternative savings measures have been canvassed; and explored all voluntary measures to ensure involuntary redundancy is a last resort.39 of 100 SignaturesCreated by National Tertiary Education Union
Stop Channel 7 broadcasting Rail Emergency CallsRail Workers work in a safety critical environment and when tragic accidents occur it can affect their mental wellbeing, working life and family life. By Channel 7 broadcasting emergency radio calls it can have further impact on Rail Workers who are already experiencing a traumatic event. As well as to the families of the person who has been injured or deceased.544 of 600 SignaturesCreated by Darren Phillips
Bridgewest - policies should be clear and not contradict terms of our EBAs!Workers at Pfizer/ Bridgewest want to have a good working relationship with management and believe that clear policies that don't confuse or trip up workers is an important part of the relationship. We believe that the simple changes we have suggested will provide clarity and transparency, and make for easier reading for colleagues and their managers. We call on Bridgewest to amend the policies so that colleagues can be confident signing their contracts, and to create trust with their new employer.81 of 100 SignaturesCreated by United Workers Union
Fair Pay, Respect & Protection or Ninjavan WorkersThere are thousands of gig economy workers in Indonesia who are over-worked, underpaid and are barely keeping afloat in an economic situation with high fuel prices and increasing inflation. By signing the petition we demand: - Decent work hours and working conditions - Social Security and insurance for workers - Fixed Term Contracts - Achievable Targets of deliveries - Paid sick leaves1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Pooja Kapahi
Re-introduction of COVID-19 procedures on UNSW campus(s).Students have expressed their concerns about the lack of COVID-19 mandatory isolation and would like to see UNSW, one of the leading institutions that prioritised COVID-19 research take an equitable approach on this matter. Vast amounts of research have also demonstrated that when healthy able-bodied students contract more severe variants of COVID-19, they are likely to develop underlying disabilities, develop a risk of acquiring long COVID and experience lifelong changes to their immune, respiratory, and other biological systems.39 of 100 SignaturesCreated by UNSW Student Representative Council
Grant International Students Opal Concessions!NSW is the only state across Australia that does not offer international students concession opal cards. To prevent them from accessing concession opal cards as full-time fee paying students prevents them from treated as students and also places several limitations on their ability to freely travel around NSW. International students have played a significant role in upholding the economic backbone of NSW through the pandemic and it is important to treat them as more than cash cows.9 of 100 SignaturesCreated by UNSW Student Representative Council
Remove the cap on International Student working hoursInternational students have worked through the harsh lockdown periods in the earlier years of the COVID-19 pandemic and demonstrated that we care about the Australian communities we are a part of. We deserve to have greater opportunities for our selfless contributions and be part of new exciting ventures that help grow, recover and stabilise the Australian economy.83 of 100 SignaturesCreated by UNSW Student Representative Council
Living wage during teaching placementsFinancial strain, which jumps 600% during placement periods (Smith et al., 2018), is one of the leading drivers of preservice teacher drop outs. Not because these teachers are poor at the job, nor that they do not enjoy the work or the high workload, but purely because they cannot financially sustain themselves for weeks without pay. During a teacher shortage, this is a broken system. Furthermore, there should not be an education system that only allows for those who are financially viable to succeed, especially in a sector that so desperately needs new staff. Let's fix this now! Support the AEU Preservice Teacher Association members in our fight for preservice teacher payment by signing below. Join our Facebook page to assist in the campaign here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/635367530941019194 of 200 SignaturesCreated by AEU/IEU Preservice Association
Qld Rail needs a firm but fair approach to AOD safetyWorkers at Queensland Rail can return a positive result of 0.001%, so low that many machines could not detect it, and lose their job. They donât take into account any other factors that will affect a result, including cough medicine, asthma puffers, mouth wash, tooth paste, energy drinks, lip balm or hand sanitiser. The tests they use are only required to be calibrated once a year, with an accepted margin of error of 400%, which they ignore. These machines are likely to return a false positive and can be heavily affected by environmental factor like high voltage electrical disturbances and shock and vibration. These machines are not the gold standard, and that's why there must be a common sense approach in the assessment of any results. Queensland Rail currently has no interest in supporting workers, only punishing them and under their current practice they have zero discretion in ultra-low range readings other than to sack them.367 of 400 SignaturesCreated by RTBU QLD Branch
Support RTBU Newcastle Bus DriversNewcastle bus drivers need your help. Newcastleâs private bus operator, Keolis Downer, doesnât think these essential workers deserve pay rises that will keep up with the rising cost of living. Keolis Downer has offered drivers a meagre 10.5% pay increase over four years, despite inflation looking set to hit 7% just by the end of this year. Following a four hour strike on June 3rd, management told workers if they wanted extra pay they could work Sundays. Newcastle bus drivers just want to have their pay keep up with the cost of living and to be able to afford to live in the city they work in. Yet Keolis Downer refuses to accept RTBUâs very reasonable request of a 7% pay rise over 2 years. Continuing the fight, drivers went on strike for 24 hours yesterday and have turned off ticketing machines indefinitely. Now we need your help to support these essential workers. Sign the petition now to call on Keolis Downer to meet RTBU's demands!96 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Courtney Hardwick
Help Disadvantaged kidsBecause there are less advantaged then we are and just because we take it for granted how lucky we are, there are people around the world who are less advantaged and dream of our lives2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by trgth 8675