• No outsourcing at South East Water
    We need to send a message to South East Water that we will not stand by and let them outsource public sector jobs.
    48 of 100 Signatures
    Created by ASU Vic/Tas Authorities & Services Branch
  • Vote of No Confidence in RMIT Vice Chancellor
    NTEU members at RMIT have lost confidence in Vice Chancellor, Alec Cameron and in his ability to administer his role and responsibilities in accordance with the interests of staff at RMIT through the enterprise bargaining process. Under the stewardship of Alec Cameron and Mish Eastman, DVC vocational education, RMIT management have employed aggressive and unprecedented tactics such as non-union ballots and using the provisions of the Fair Work Act in an attempt to thwart the bargaining process and silence the voice of staff, the NTEU and RMIT students.
    599 of 600 Signatures
    Created by NTEU RMIT University Branch
  • Tasmanian airport workers deserve the same as their mainland counterparts
    United Workers Union (UWU) members at MSS work in security and screening and have been bargaining with the company since 2022. MSS, which is wholly owned by an Indian-based firm SIS Ltd, has offered a four percent pay rise to workers this year. This is despite Hobart security officers being on little more than the minimum wage. Both MSS and Hobart Airport are extremely profitable entities and if they're serious about safety and security they need to show that by offering a more respectful wage increase.
    60 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ash Telford
  • Secure the Futures of BHP and Whitehaven Workers: Protect Minimum Entitlements
    The joint decision by Whitehaven & BHP to undermine workers entitlements at retirement is a major risk to all workers in the mining industry. Industry Awards reflects decades of agreed upon conditions of employment for workers, and are designed to provide the minimum foundations of any workplace arrangement. Without the foundation of the Award, workers that sign over as part of this deal will lose the right to basic fairness. Specifically, they will no longer be able to challenge shift changes, changes to working hours or have the right to seek assistance from the independent umpire. These common agreed upon conditions and significant retirement outcomes can be lost at a stroke of a pen by exploiting the loopholes in the Fair Work Act. A worker should not have their minimum foundation entitlements stripped away from them under the threat of unemployment just so major mining companies can save a few dollars. Accrued entitlements are entitlements owed to a worker, they are not bargaining chips to be used by executives in backroom deals. If major employers like Whitehaven and BHP utilised these provisions to undermine Award conditions, there will be significant impacts on the retirements of workers in the mining sector.
    408 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Collieries' Staff & Officials Association Picture
  • Stop TasTAFE Scrapping Triennium Sick Leave!
    TasTAFE workers need the Tasmanian community to stand with them to prevent further slashing of their conditions by TasTAFE Management. Join us in calling on Premier Rockliff to keep his promises.
    19 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Community & Public Sector Union (SPSFT)
  • Save Fawkner Local Comm Bank Branch
    Financial elder abuse is on the rise and this is in part due to people without internet access or skills relying on others to help them with banking and finances. Fawkner has higher than average people without internet access (24.7%), people who speak a language other than english, people with disability and people over 80. It also has lower than average car ownership and household income and being able to do ones own banking in their local community is important to many people. The Commonwealth Bank is planning to close the Fawkner Branch on the 26th May. Please sign this petition to oppose this, and the local job losses and ask the Commonwealth to prioritise the needs of their customers over their profits.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Archit Agrawal
  • ACU management - consult with your staff
    On February 15, the Australian Catholic University issued the ‘Professional Services Draft Change Management Plan'which announced the loss of 110 equivalent full-time (EFT) professional staff positions - including 90 EFT positions being made redundant. We are opposed to these job cuts and believe that they are unnecessary. As well as the impacts on staff affected directly, we believe that these cuts will negatively impact the quality of teaching, research, and services. We demand that management demonstrate that all alternative savings measures have been canvassed; and explored all voluntary measures to ensure involuntary redundancy is a last resort.
    39 of 100 Signatures
    Created by National Tertiary Education Union
  • Stop Channel 7 broadcasting Rail Emergency Calls
    Rail Workers work in a safety critical environment and when tragic accidents occur it can affect their mental wellbeing, working life and family life. By Channel 7 broadcasting emergency radio calls it can have further impact on Rail Workers who are already experiencing a traumatic event. As well as to the families of the person who has been injured or deceased.
    544 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Darren Phillips
  • Bridgewest - policies should be clear and not contradict terms of our EBAs!
    Workers at Pfizer/ Bridgewest want to have a good working relationship with management and believe that clear policies that don't confuse or trip up workers is an important part of the relationship. We believe that the simple changes we have suggested will provide clarity and transparency, and make for easier reading for colleagues and their managers. We call on Bridgewest to amend the policies so that colleagues can be confident signing their contracts, and to create trust with their new employer.
    81 of 100 Signatures
    Created by United Workers Union
  • Fair Pay, Respect & Protection or Ninjavan Workers
    There are thousands of gig economy workers in Indonesia who are over-worked, underpaid and are barely keeping afloat in an economic situation with high fuel prices and increasing inflation. By signing the petition we demand: - Decent work hours and working conditions - Social Security and insurance for workers - Fixed Term Contracts - Achievable Targets of deliveries - Paid sick leaves
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Pooja Kapahi
  • Re-introduction of COVID-19 procedures on UNSW campus(s).
    Students have expressed their concerns about the lack of COVID-19 mandatory isolation and would like to see UNSW, one of the leading institutions that prioritised COVID-19 research take an equitable approach on this matter. Vast amounts of research have also demonstrated that when healthy able-bodied students contract more severe variants of COVID-19, they are likely to develop underlying disabilities, develop a risk of acquiring long COVID and experience lifelong changes to their immune, respiratory, and other biological systems.
    38 of 100 Signatures
    Created by UNSW Student Representative Council Picture
  • Grant International Students Opal Concessions!
    NSW is the only state across Australia that does not offer international students concession opal cards. To prevent them from accessing concession opal cards as full-time fee paying students prevents them from treated as students and also places several limitations on their ability to freely travel around NSW. International students have played a significant role in upholding the economic backbone of NSW through the pandemic and it is important to treat them as more than cash cows.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by UNSW Student Representative Council Picture