• Crown Melbourne: your profits are built on our sacrifices
    We call on Crown to support United Voice Casino Union members’ proposal for a weekend night shift allowance. We also call on Crown to agree to support their push for fair annual pay increases and greater job security.
    1,057 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Benny Fong
  • Stop stealing money from Working Holiday Makers!
    We are Eden and Ula. We came to Australia on Working Holiday Visas. We wanted to travel this beautiful country, have new experiences, make new friends and work along the way to help pay for our trip. We loved Australia so much that we wanted to stay for a second year and saw a regional job going at a zucchini farm in Bowen, Queensland through a labour hire contractor called AZIT. We had to fill out many forms and there were lots of conditions for us to be employed as casual labourers. We also had to pay the contractor $800 each before we could start work. The work never came. The contractor gave excuses about the weather. When we decided to look elsewhere for work, we asked for our money back. The contractor refused and told us we could take him to Fair Work. Now, with the help of our union the NUW, we are campaigning to get our money back and put an end to dodgy labour hire contractors ripping off workers. AZIT exploited the fact that we didn't have a good understanding of workplace rights in Australia and now has stolen hundreds of dollars. How many others have they stolen money from? We are taking a stand for all workers who are exploited in Australia. Workers should join the union and the campaign to stop the rip offs, wage theft and exploitation.
    617 of 800 Signatures
    Created by National Union of Workers Picture
  • End exploitation at Subway!
    I've worked for two different bosses at Subway - but it's the same experience every time. Wage theft. Unpaid training. Bullying. And I know that there are thousands of other young workers right around Australia just like me. Young workers who are being paid at less than the Award rate, working overtime for no pay, facing intimidation and threats from franchisees, and being expected to complete the official Subway training program "Subway University" in our own time. https://youtu.be/UolcRec2Ezs When I tried to report this wage theft to Subway's head office, I was told that there was nothing they could do. But that's a lie. Subway's head office has a responsibility to make sure the people it permits to run businesses under it's brand are not exploiting workers. This isn't just one "bad egg" franchisee. This is systematic. Subway needs to take responsibility for this mess. Read more about the investigation into Subway's underpayments: https://www.theage.com.au/business/small-business/subway-under-investigation-by-fair-work-over-staff-underpayment-20190809-p52flv.html
    3,482 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by Renee - Former Subway Worker
  • Reinstate sacked CUB workers
    In an outrageous act of corporate greed, 55 CUB workers were terminated without notice and then offered a take-it-or-leave-it non-union deal with a 65 per cent reduction in monetary entitlements and cuts to most of their hard-won conditions. The Abbotsford CUB brewery makes huge profits producing leading brands like VB, Crown Lager, Melbourne Bitter, Carlton Dry, Pure Blond and Strongbow. It’s shameful that CUB workers are paying a price for being union and doing their job well, while SAB Miller (CUB's parent company) made $4.4 billion in profits this year and is currently part of the biggest ever corporate takeover in the history of the global beer industry. We need your support to call on CUB to reinstate the workers and end their shameful anti-worker, anti-union tactics.
    11,736 of 15,000 Signatures
    Created by AMWU Victoria Picture
  • Stop offshoring Telstra jobs
    The hundreds of jobs Telstra is cutting and sending offshore belong to real people, like Chris who has two little kids and a partner working part time. They bought their first house last year. Chris and his workmates pride themselves on working hard for customers, delivering multi-billion dollar profits to Telstra. CPSU members at Telstra predict that network outages will be more common because Telstra has cut highly skilled people, often with 20-30 years experience with the Telstra network. Telstra's and Australia's future success lies in the company investing in Australian innovation, skills and jobs rather than making decisions based on short-term greed. Telstra is not only reducing its' own capacity but it removes thousands of job opportunities for future generations.
    1,232 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Community & Public Sector Union Picture
  • No Job Losses at ANU - Culture, History & Language
    The particular cuts at CHL have not been justified. Why are these positions being lost? Positions including a key academic in the Japanese program, one in the Sanskrit program, ARC Fellows, Professors and an editor of a key journal. As ANU attempts to side-step protections in the Enterprise Agreement (EA) which provide for re-deployment, staff are left wondering what their future holds. This has serious implications for staff in other areas who face reviews and restructures in the future.
    214 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Rachael Bahl
  • Justice for Empire Rubber workers!
    NUW members in Bendigo recently won a protracted legal case to get entitlements they were owed paid to them following the collapse of Empire Rubber in 2006. However of the $4.5 million win, workers will never see a cent. Nothing. All because corporate law firms are swallowing the win up in fees. LCM Litigation Fund Pty Ltd and Piper Alderman have pocketed 91% of the win, $4.1 million dollars, while their clients have been told they will never see any money and there is nothing they can do. NUW member and former Empire Rubber worker Shane Hogan is owed $15,000. His wife Tracy has said that “To get a letter saying that it’s all been eaten up in fees is very disappointing.” “A lot of people who were laid off did not gain employment afterwards, so they were really relying on getting that money”. Members refuse to accept this gross denial of justice. We are calling on Piper Alderman to waive their fees and give their clients the money they have won. The Law Institute of Victoria’s code of ethics calls for lawyers to “advance their clients’ interests above their own” and to “charge fairly for their work”. Clearly Piper Alderman have failed in their ethical obligations to NUW members at Empire Rubber. In pocketing the cash and failing to meet ethical standards, Piper Alderman undermines the integrity of the justice system to serve the needs of workers. Piper Alderman and LCM Litigation Fund: give workers their money back so justice is closer to being served!
    117 of 200 Signatures
    Created by National Union of Workers
  • Introduce ratios for Victoria's mental health nurses
    Victoria has gathered sixteen years of evidence of the success of nurse/patient ratios. This evidence has shown patient waiting times reduced in Victoria’s public hospitals. It has led to marked improvements in recruitment and retention of nurses as a result of safer working environments. Our public hospitals have also shown improved economic outcomes since ratios were introduced in 2001. Ratios brought about a 151 per cent increase in patients receiving same day treatment. The system works — it’s time to make Victoria’s public mental health care system a world leader by applying ratios to our mental health wards. New South Wales and Queensland have already introduced nursing ratios in mental health in their own public hospitals. For the full detail on how nursing ratios in mental health would work in Victoria, please check our log of claims: http://bit.ly/mhLOC Thank you for supporting our mental health nurses.
    903 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by ANMF (Vic Branch) Picture
  • Mr Reynolds - The Rubbish stops with you!
    We the Central Coast Community Union Alliance, believe that workers should be treated with dignity and respect. These 68 workers who live locally, shop locally, send their kids to local schools and pay their council rates are simply wanting to protect their hard fought conditions, just like any other worker would do. Local waste operator Ian Hankinson who is leading the strike needs your support to convince the council administrator to take a leadership role and stand up for these workers that keep our streets clean and our community safe. Let's come together and stand with Ian and his 67 work mates and send a message that our community will defend our own and stop a race to the bottom.
    384 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Central Coast Community Union Alliance
  • Save Medicare & Protect Public Health
    Our universal public health system is part of what makes Australia great – but it’s under threat from savage cuts and a privatisation agenda. If Malcolm Turnbull’s Liberals get their way we’ll lose it forever, leaving the sick to suffer. Now is the time to stand up and fight back against the gutting of our public hospitals, the increased costs on patients and the privatisation of Medicare – before it’s too late.
    312 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Unions Tas Picture
  • Academics Demand La Trobe Management Reinstate Roz Ward Immediately
    The case against Roz is a case against all workers and activists. Roz is facing a serious misconduct charge and has been suspended for stating a political belief. La Trobe University management are participating in a witch hunt driven by the Murdoch Press and right wing bigots. We need to defend Roz's job and the rights of any worker in any workplace to express political beliefs.
    1,538 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Rosie Murphy
    In 2015, the NUS Women’s Department ran the 'Talk About It’ survey, which found that over 72% of women at university experience some form of sexual harassment, assault or violence while studying, over 14% saying that they had experienced rape or attempted rape, and over 15% saying that they been physically hurt by another individual. In the survey, students were also asked whether they reported the incident, and the majority said that they didn’t because they did not know about it, or because they didn’t think it was worth it; and perhaps even more alarmingly, three quarters of those that did report the incident to their university or to the police, said that little or nothing was done about it. “I was ignored, told I was simply drunk and it wasn't worth investigating” (University of NSW, 20 year old) In order to address these alarming rates of violence against women at university, the National Union of Students (NUS) has been working with a number of stakeholders including the team that has rolled out screenings of the well known documentary, The Hunting Ground across Australian university campuses, as well as The Australian Human Rights Commission (AHRC), who have worked with Universities Australia (UA) to roll out a national survey which aims to gain an understanding of the prevalence of sexual assault at universities and develop recommendations to strengthen university responses. However, while all 39 Australian universities have committed to rolling out the survey, and working to make university campuses safer; they have not committed to making concrete changes to support students who are survivors of sexual violence, or to prevent incidents from occurring. In order to improve women’s safety at university, we are calling on all universities to implement the following, and use the survey results to improve support services for survivors. -adequate lighting, 24/7 security, and safe spaces for women -stand alone zero tolerance policies on sexual harassment, assault and violence, with clear repercussions for perpetrators -accessible and clear reporting processes, with effective remedies for survivors -sexual assault counsellors on every campus -mandatory consent training for all staff and students Sign the Petition. Demand Action!
    127 of 200 Signatures
    Created by NUS Women Picture