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Protect Public Medical ImagingYour radiographers, sonographers, medical physicists and radiologists are the imaging professionals who provide the services that allow for quick and accurate diagnosis that leads to timely and effective treatment. They tell us that privatising medical imaging services in the new RAH will put profits before patients, lead to patients having to make expensive trips to other services, put staff and patients safety at risk, deskill our health professionals and lower the quality of services provided to the community. South Australians have paid over $2 billion for a new state of the art hospital and they should have free access to medical imaging no matter how frail they are and how complex their conditions. It is time for Minister Jack Snelling to stand up for South Australians and protect public imaging.840 of 1,000 SignaturesCreated by Tom Di Santo
Protect Public PathologySA Pathology is the backbone of public health in South Australia. Pathology is involved in 70% of medical treatment decisions, and 60% of Australians will require pathology services at least once a year. Despite this, the South Australian Government wants to cut hundreds of jobs from your public pathology service. When jobs are cut in pathology, people don’t just lose their jobs, diagnosis is delayed and South Australians will stay sicker for longer. Our medical scientists study and diagnose diseases such as meningococcal and leukemia, and work directly with our doctors to better treat patients and find a cure. Pathology services are core to the delivery of an efficient functioning health service yet the South Australian Government plans to seriously compromise this by cutting hundreds of jobs. Simply put, cutting 278 jobs from SA Pathology is dangerous, short sighted and will only result in costly delays in diagnosis. We know that the sooner a patient can be diagnosed, the quicker they can begin the right treatment plan and recover. It is time for the Minister Jack Snelling to value medical science and protect public pathology.2,344 of 3,000 SignaturesCreated by Kimberley Rowney
We want our public hospitals in NSW to remain PUBLIC!Health care is a universal right and should be about patient care. A private operator will have to generate profit. That can only be achieved by underpaying or reducing staff and scrimping on services. Ultimately it’s the patients that suffer. If it's the choice between treating a private patient or one on Medicare we all know who misses out. We want to ensure our hospitals remain in public hands for the benefit of everyone. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uFTflWk8h5Q1,814 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Unions NSW
More parking for RPA hospital staff!Our health workers are the backbone of our hospital system but changes to staff parking at RPA is making it harder for employees to get to work every day to provide the excellent service we are all used to. NSW Health has caused chaos for staff by implementing changes to car parks that are already heavily used by hospital users, university students and those who use local businesses. It’s bad enough that NSW Health is slugging the public with exorbitant parking fees, but now they want to push staff out so they can raise even more revenue. Instead of trying to rip off the public with huge parking fees, Jillian Skinner should be finding ways to support long-suffering employees. We are calling on the Baird Government to instruct the Local Health District to reverse its unfair parking decision. It is clear that this is another mean decision from a government that puts dollars and budgets before patients and staff.9 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Unions NSW
Forget the survey - Save Medicare!Health care is a universal right and should be about patient care, not profit. The Ministers' survey is a smokescreen designed to push for further privatisation and erosion of Medicare. We will all suffer if health care becomes a race to the bottom only focused on the bottom line.1,466 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Unions NSW
Nurses and midwives need a better deal!To work in private hospitals nurses and midwives want comparable wages to the public sector. They also want safe staffing levels comparable to the public sector. We are being told by private hospitals that they don’t have the money because the contracts they sign with private health insurers every few years don’t give them enough. In Victoria and NSW nurses and midwives are locked in disputes with their employers for better pay and to include safe staffing ratios in enterprise agreements. They are sick of being treated as second class health workers.   In the year to March 2024 the private health insurers combined profit jumped 34% to a record $2.13 billion (data released by the Aust Prudential Regulatory Agency). At the same time the proportion of premiums they are returning to their customers has fallen from 88.03% in 2019-20 to 82.61% in 2022-23.  In mid-2024 the Commonwealth Department of Health undertook a private hospital financial health check after complaints about ongoing viability of the sector. Minister Butlers own press release on 1 November said: “While parts of the sector have remained strong, there has been a reduction in profitability over time as costs have risen faster than revenue. This shows that there is substantial work for private health insurers and private hospitals to do to ensure the sector’s long-term viability.”  If nurses and midwives start walking away from private hospitals the system will collapse. If private hospitals can’t recruit and retain nurses and midwives then the system becomes unsustainable. If large private hospitals fail because costs outstrip revenue then the pressure is put back on an already overstretched public system. Love them or hate them, private hospitals are too big to fail. The health insurers need to step up and fund private hospitals better.  Tell the private health insurers that its time to pay their fair share to private hospitals so they can pay decent wages and provide safe staffing. Insurers only care about the profits they reap, not the quality of the care provided for patients (or the working conditions of those who care for them).826 of 1,000 SignaturesCreated by ANMF Victorian Branch
ACL- stop offshoring jobsACL is offshoring its call centre to Malaysia in order to reduce costs. Patients deserve better. They deserve to know that their information is secure, that their personal details and medical information remain private. Workers deserve better. A company funded by Australian tax-payer dollars should ensure jobs remain in Australia. We also deserve better. ACL needs to put patients before profit.Â95 of 100 SignaturesCreated by HSU NSW/ACT/QLD
Re-introduction of COVID-19 procedures on UNSW campus(s).Students have expressed their concerns about the lack of COVID-19 mandatory isolation and would like to see UNSW, one of the leading institutions that prioritised COVID-19 research take an equitable approach on this matter. Vast amounts of research have also demonstrated that when healthy able-bodied students contract more severe variants of COVID-19, they are likely to develop underlying disabilities, develop a risk of acquiring long COVID and experience lifelong changes to their immune, respiratory, and other biological systems.39 of 100 SignaturesCreated by UNSW Student Representative Council
Externally Review Our Pay Classifications!Hard working FTS staff need to be compensated for the range of duties they perform and they deserve to be provided independent evidence that they are being properly paid for the work they are doing. Independence in the Mercer review process is pivotal so FTS staff are confident that they are being compensated for the full range of duties they perform in Ambulance Victoria. FTS staff have waited 6months and can wait no more.27 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Lauren Stanley
Mental Health Support at the UoA Roseworthy Campus!Veterinary students and practitioners are known to suffer from high rates of mental illness. This is especially the case at the university’s Roseworthy campus, where, in a survey conducted by the AVSMH, 27% of veterinary students reported experiencing suicidal ideation. The effects of mental illness are compounded by Roseworthy’s lack of transport and rural location. Such factors either dissuade or outright prevent students from seeking assistance. It is hence important for students to call on the university to provide satisfactory mental health support on campus. When signing this petition, don't forget to use your UoA email so we can prove that these are indeed genuine student demands.42 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Liam Johns
Postpone ACU Return to CampusIn 2022, the COVID-19 pandemic shows no signs of disappearing and presents more risks to health and safety than ever before. New variants like Delta and Omicron are tearing through our community and workplaces. With the risk of workplace transmission ever-increasing, we need strong measures to keep COVID-19 as far as possible from spreading within our university community. As numerous examples have shown, an outbreak at a workplace like ours where there are so many individuals coming and going can have disastrous consequences. Teaching delivery and research can be disrupted or even halted entirely, but the worst effects will be felt by us, the workers. We ask that ACU takes steps to limit the impact by consulting staff and implementing sensible measures. ACU senior management has arbitrarily set February 14 as the date for staff to return to campus. However, they have failed to undertake genuine consultation with staff regarding the potential risks associated with the return to campus and how these risks may be controlled. This has been highlighted by the fact that the University only released its COVID Risk Assessment document for consultation on February 10, just two business days prior to the return to campus.108 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Lisbeth Latham
close down don dale youth detention centreOther people should join and help because young indigenous kids are being treated poorly and abused in the Don Dale youth detention centre. we need your help to free young indigenous kids from being tortured by the police help them be free, help them talk and see their families, help us close down that unfit detention centre.13 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Nikita Watson