• Stop exploitation of food-delivery riders!
    It's not good enough. We work hard and are entitled to fair pay and proper working conditions. We deserve the conditions and protections that Australian workers have worked hard for. Working as a delivery rider for Deliveroo was precarious. They offer no job security, no sick pay, no paid holidays and no superannuation. Insurance can be expensive and conditions unsafe. A recent survey by the Young Workers Centre found that 3/4 riders are earning below the minimum wage, almost half of riders have been injured at work and for many riders this is their full-time job. Riders are required to be responsible for their own insurance. This means that if workers are injured they will have to pay any medical costs and will not receive any pay while you are unable to work. For workers here on a visa, it is unlikely travel insurance will cover an injury sustained while working. There's no compensation if you get hurt and you can be out of work for months if you have a crash. The bigger the petition is, the stronger the message we can send: we need to change the rules so food-delivery riders get a fair go.
    14,000 of 15,000 Signatures
    Created by Alison M.
  • Shut Down Work for the Dole
    Work for the Dole is dangerous. In 2016 alone, reported Work for the Dole injuries increased five-fold. According to an Ernst and Young audit commissioned by the government, 64% of Work For The Dole activities do not even meet basic safety standards. Rather than reining this dangerous program in, last month the Morrison government decided to significantly expand it. Knowing full well of the risks involved, the LNP are still sending more and more Australians like Josh to perform free labour at hazardous sites. Treasurer Fyrdenberg, how can you and your government possibly allow this deadly scheme to continue? When it poses such a threat to the lives of all participants, how can you keep burying your heads in the sand and proclaim Work for the Dole a success? So far, the LNP have refused more than a dozen parliamentary requests to release the report into Josh's death. Treasurer Fyrdenberg, why does your government continue to deny these requests? What are you and your colleagues hiding? Two-and-a-half years after their tragic loss, Josh's grieving family and friends continue to wait for answers. It's time they were given the justice, and piece of mind, they so rightly deserve. It's time to shut down this dangerous program once and for all - before it tears another family apart.
    4,180 of 5,000 Signatures
    Created by Australian Unemployed Workers Union Picture
  • Reinstate Aaron! Sacked by email 2 days before Christmas Eve! Rand Pty Ltd. No piece of cake!
    Aaron loves his partner and 3 young children; A job he can count on means fair pay & respect for union rights! Rand Pty Ltd stores most frozen bread, cakes, and even the garlic bread you buy at Coles & Woolies Australia-wide. Aaron and his co-workers have been bargaining for a new national pay deal, but Rand wants them to take a pay cut, so HR sacked Aaron at midday today, by email! Sign the petition and share it with ya mates! Let's get Rand to reinstate Aaron ASAP! Yours in unity National Union of Workers
    937 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Sapphire Parsons
  • End the four year pay freeze for Department of Immigration and Border Protection workers
    The four year pay freeze has devastated workers at DIBP, with many heading into Christmas struggling to make ends meet. They work incredibly hard protecting our community from guns, drugs and terrorism and they deserve respect and fairness at work. "God knows how much longer we can hold out, we have already raided the kid’s education fund…I have to find ways to cut our living expenses even more in an effort to pay them back in the next 4-5 years whilst trying to pay the mortgage. So much for well supported and valued staff." - Worker at Department of Immigration and Border Protection Michaelia Cash has been attempting to slash the rights, pay and conditions of DIBP workers for years. The case is currently before the Fair Work Commission in arbitration which is a long and complex process. The Commonwealth has the power to issue a determination raising employee’s wages at any time. Instead the Turnbull Government chose to instruct their Legal Counsel to argue against the Full Bench making an interim wage rise. This is a heartless and unnecessary intervention from the Commonwealth. We are asking that newly appointed Minister O’Dwyer ensures fairness and acts to have Government provide an interim pay rise.
    145 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Community & Public Sector Union Picture
  • Scrap the Cap
    Tasmanian public sector workers deliver opportunity, protection and improve the lives of our whole community. But to have services you can count on, public sector workers need jobs they can count on. Tasmanians, like other Australians, need a decent pay rise. Even the Reserve Bank is encouraging workers to demand higher wages. To do this we are asking the Tasmanian Premier, Will Hodgman, to Scrap the Cap, negotiate in good faith and make sure public sector wages and conditions are provided for in future budgets. Bargaining is how generations of workers have built the jobs, wages and living standards most of us rely on today. This doesn't happen when governments decide wages outcomes before negotiations begin.
    447 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Community & Public Sector Union (SPSFT) Picture
  • Take Wage Theft Off The Menu. Make It A Criminal Offence
    Stealing is wrong. Yet every year hundreds of thousands of hospo workers in Australia are robbed. We are victims of wage theft. Wage theft, where companies deliberately underpay workers or refuse to pay superannuation, is also hurting people working in retail, farms and fast food. If workers stole from the till, we could go to jail. But if bosses steal from us, all they have to do is pay it back, if they’re ever caught. How is that fair? The rules are broken. The current laws make wage theft too easy and the punishment is too light. It’s now so common it’s become a business model. Venue owners right now are getting rich by stealing from their staff. WE NEED TO CHANGE THE RULES Prime Minister, if you are serious about upholding the law, make wage theft a criminal offence and introduce much bigger fines. We need to hold companies to account for their theft.
    15,280 of 20,000 Signatures
    Created by Sorcha, bartender
  • USyd: Stop promoting Charles Waterstreet's jobs to students
    These allegations follow those launched against Harvey Weinstein in the US by numerous women in the entertainment industry, and the #metoo campaign on social media, which highlights the pervasiveness of sexual harassment and assault. For young women in particular, sexualisation, harassment and objectification are all too common. Sexual harassment in the workplace isn't just harmless flirting - it is an issue of fair working conditions. The Wom*n’s Collective stands with women who have experienced harassment and assault, whether at work, at university, on the street, or in the home.
    174 of 200 Signatures
    Created by University of Sydney Women's Collective
  • Macquarie Uni Station Closing - Keep MQ Connected
    Closing Macquarie University Station will create a public transport nightmare for the University and the broader Macquarie Park area, as there is a high reliance on rail, too few campus parking options and typically a major traffic gridlock on Epping road during peak hours. Don’t let the NSW Government leave us in the dark about the Macquarie University Station closure. Sign the petition today.
    2,029 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by National Tertiary Education Union NSW
  • Students and Community Support UTAS Staff
    Staff at the University care deeply about the students they teach and support. But difficult conditions, insecure work (including casual contracts without student consultation hours), excessive workloads and salaries which cut the real pay of staff make it difficult to deliver quality teaching and student experiences. It is not too late. Management can still avoid high-impact industrial action by making positive steps to finalise a single, high-quality staff agreement for all staff. As students, future alumni, and members of the University of Tasmania community, we need your support to show that staff working conditions are student learning conditions.
    438 of 500 Signatures
    Created by NTEU Tasmanian Division
    Retail and fast food workers perform a very important role for the community. Very often they live long distances from work across suburbs and have no choice but to drive to work. Traditionally in the majority of cases parking at work has been free for retail and fast food workers. Recently Southland has announced plans charge workers for parking. Southland workers could be forced to fork out up to $1300 a year extra. This is a cost retail and fast food workers cannot afford and do not deserve. There is also a health and safety risk if workers must park a long distance away at night. We call upon the Victorian Government to amend planning laws to require shopping centre owners to provide free and safe parking for retail and fast food workers at their centres. The SDA stands with workers against unfair parking charges.
    3,979 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by SDA Union
  • Save Secure Jobs in Tasmania!
    Edith Creek workers and their families deserve to know whether they will have secure jobs for 2018 before Christmas. While Murray Goulburn is working through what its future looks like, workers at Edith Creek have already been told they are not part of that future. To give Edith Creek workers security and hope going forward it’s important that Murray Goulburn sell the factory site and equipment to a new owner committed to continuing dairy manufacturing and secure jobs in the region.
    257 of 300 Signatures
    Created by National Union of Workers Picture
  • Support Fair Pay for Pharmacists
    The community relies on pharmacists, yet too often the respect, recognition and reward for this important work flow away from those who actually do it. We are committed to advocating on behalf of employee pharmacists so that they are heard by government and industry. The Fair Pay for Pharmacist case is an initiative by Professional Pharmacists Australia, the association and union for non-owner community pharmacists.
    253 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Justin McKee