• Make our offshore resources industries safe
    The Electrical Trades Union is serious about workplace safety. It is a matter of life and death. We know that licensing of high-risk trades, health and safety training and right of access for workers' representatives are crucial to a good safety culture. Extending these basic protections to workers in the offshore oil and gas industries could be the difference between a tragic loss and a happy future for thousands of Australian families.
    281 of 300 Signatures
    Created by ETU Australia
  • More parking for RPA hospital staff!
    Our health workers are the backbone of our hospital system but changes to staff parking at RPA is making it harder for employees to get to work every day to provide the excellent service we are all used to. NSW Health has caused chaos for staff by implementing changes to car parks that are already heavily used by hospital users, university students and those who use local businesses. It’s bad enough that NSW Health is slugging the public with exorbitant parking fees, but now they want to push staff out so they can raise even more revenue. Instead of trying to rip off the public with huge parking fees, Jillian Skinner should be finding ways to support long-suffering employees. We are calling on the Baird Government to instruct the Local Health District to reverse its unfair parking decision. It is clear that this is another mean decision from a government that puts dollars and budgets before patients and staff.
    9 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Unions NSW Picture
  • Don't let Alcoa sink Aussie Seafaring
    40 Victorian families have been let down by the Federal Government. The product carried by the MV Portland between Portland, Victoria and Kwinana, Western Australia is: - Mined in Australia - Refined in Australia - Transported exclusively in Australia This is AUSTRALIAN COASTAL TRADE pure and simple. If these jobs aren't safeguarded, what job in Australia is safe? We need to back in our people and our skills, and ensure companies that profit from Australian wealth also support Aussie communities and people.
    10,495 of 15,000 Signatures
    Created by Edwina Byrne
  • Keep our gaols public!
    The recent re-opening of the Grafton jail was a welcome announcement by the Baird Government following its sudden closure in 2012 that resulted in 100 local job losses. While the influx of new and previous workers will be a much needed boost to the local economy at a time of high unemployment, there remains serious concerns over plans for the new facility. When built it will be privately operated. Private prisons are bad for public safety, bad for the economy, and bad for the communities in which they are based. Myriad of American research has proven that private prisons are unsafe, have significantly lower staffing levels than publicly operated prisons and a higher rate of assaults on staff and inmates. The same logic that motivates companies to operate prisons more efficiently also encourages them to cut corners at the expense of workers, prisoners and the public. Every cent they do not spend on food, health care or training for guards is a cent they can pocket. It is not desirable or appropriate for parts of the justice system to be outsourced to private companies. Stop the Americanisation of our justice system by ensuring no more privatisation of our gaols.
    14 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Unions NSW Picture
  • Stand up for the environment. Stand up for jobs.
    Under a policy that had been in place for five years, all Federal government departments and agencies were required to start using 100% recycled paper this year. This policy was cancelled in the weeks before Tony Abbott was replaced as Prime Minister. Over the last few years, Australian Paper have invested in new recycling technology that allows 100% recycled paper to be made locally in Australia. This policy decision will cost thousands of jobs, will be bad for the industry, and will be harmful to the environment. We call on Malcolm Turnbull to reverse this decision and ensure all Government paper is 100% recycled.
    1,980 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by The CFMEU Picture
  • Keep Us Safe - Rail Safety National Law Review
    1. Removal of RISSB from the Act: The Rail Industry Safety and Standards Board (RISSB) must be removed from the Act to eliminate conflicts of interest and ensure unbiased regulatory oversight. The presence of RISSB within the Act compromises the integrity of safety regulations and undermines the safety of rail workers. 2. Establishment of a Ministerial Tripartite Body: A Ministerial Tripartite Body should be established to facilitate balanced representation and decision-making involving the government, employers, and unions. This body is essential for ensuring that all stakeholders have an equal voice in shaping safety standards and policies. 3. Adoption of Risk Management Mode, per Part 3.1 of WHS Regulation: We advocate for the adoption of a risk management approach as outlined in Part 3.1 of the Work Health and Safety (WHS) Regulation. Implementing this approach will enhance workplace safety protocols and help prevent accidents and injuries. 4. Introduction of a Caveat for ‘Prescribed Drugs’ s128: A caveat should be introduced for ‘prescribed drugs’ under section 128 to ensure that workers are not unfairly penalised for medically necessary treatments. Workers' health and well-being must be protected, and they should not face punitive measures for following medical advice. 5. Union Involvement in Development or Review of Classification Structures and Competencies: Unions must be a central component of any development or review of classification structures and competencies. This involvement ensures that worker perspectives and expertise are adequately represented, leading to more effective and fair policies. 6. Adoption of s273 WHS Act, Workers Not to Bear Cost:  Section 273 of the WHS Act must be adopted to ensure that workers do not bear the cost of compliance with safety regulations. It is essential to maintain equitable and safe working conditions, and the financial burden of compliance should not fall on the shoulders of the workers. These issues are non-negotiable for protecting rail workers' rights and safety. We need prompt and crucial action, not only for us but also our communities. The safety and well-being of everyday Aussies working in rail is in your hands. Your commitment to these critical concerns is essential to move forward and make sure we can come home to our families, friends and communities safe and sound.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Australian Manufacturing Workers Union
  • Tasmanian airport workers deserve the same as their mainland counterparts
    United Workers Union (UWU) members at MSS work in security and screening and have been bargaining with the company since 2022. MSS, which is wholly owned by an Indian-based firm SIS Ltd, has offered a four percent pay rise to workers this year. This is despite Hobart security officers being on little more than the minimum wage. Both MSS and Hobart Airport are extremely profitable entities and if they're serious about safety and security they need to show that by offering a more respectful wage increase.
    60 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ash Telford
  • Secure the Futures of BHP and Whitehaven Workers: Protect Minimum Entitlements
    The joint decision by Whitehaven & BHP to undermine workers entitlements at retirement is a major risk to all workers in the mining industry. Industry Awards reflects decades of agreed upon conditions of employment for workers, and are designed to provide the minimum foundations of any workplace arrangement. Without the foundation of the Award, workers that sign over as part of this deal will lose the right to basic fairness. Specifically, they will no longer be able to challenge shift changes, changes to working hours or have the right to seek assistance from the independent umpire. These common agreed upon conditions and significant retirement outcomes can be lost at a stroke of a pen by exploiting the loopholes in the Fair Work Act. A worker should not have their minimum foundation entitlements stripped away from them under the threat of unemployment just so major mining companies can save a few dollars. Accrued entitlements are entitlements owed to a worker, they are not bargaining chips to be used by executives in backroom deals. If major employers like Whitehaven and BHP utilised these provisions to undermine Award conditions, there will be significant impacts on the retirements of workers in the mining sector.
    408 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Collieries' Staff & Officials Association Picture
  • Stop TasTAFE Scrapping Triennium Sick Leave!
    TasTAFE workers need the Tasmanian community to stand with them to prevent further slashing of their conditions by TasTAFE Management. Join us in calling on Premier Rockliff to keep his promises.
    19 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Community & Public Sector Union (SPSFT)
  • Scrap the Cap!
    Locked out of government support during the pandemic, such as the JobKeeper, we were told to go home if we did not have any more funds, while most of us lost our jobs. Later on, after worker shortages was realised, we were the first in line to fill the gap. Thankful for the opportunity to work unrestricted hours in the last year, we have shown that we can sustain the required “satisfactory course attendance” and “satisfactory course progress” while working more than 20 hours a week. Despite all that, we choose to stay in Australia because we believe that we make a positive contribution to the Australian society and economy. We believe in the promise of the Australian education, the very same democratic foundation that taught us the idea of a fair-go in life. We are not asking for a hand-out, but we believe that we deserve the freedom of choice on our work hours. Thus, we loudly say, SCRAP the CAP! The Support Network for International Students (SNIS) is a coalition of organisations and individuals—including current international students and allies—who work collectively to advance the rights and welfare of all international students through various methods and initiatives. Current SNIS members and supporters: Migrante Melbourne, Philippine Studies Network in Australia (PINAS), UFIS (United Filipino International Students), Migrant Workers Centre, Gabriela Australia, PISO (Pinoy International Students Organisation), Multicultural Centre for Women’s Health (MCWH), Advanced League of People’s Artists (ALPA Melbourne), Filipino Community Council of Victoria Incorporated (FCCVI), Renters and Housing Union (RAHU), Anakbayan Melbourne, Malaya Melbourne, Filipino-Australian Association of Ballarat Inc, Westjustice/Western Community Legal Centre, Living Incomes for Everyone (LIFE), Centre for Migrant Workers’ Concerns (CMWC), United Workers Union (UWU), Colour Code, Australian Workers’ Union (AWU), Sydney Alliance, South Asians For Inclusiveness (SAFI), ACRATH (Australian Catholic Religious Against Trafficking in Humans), Philippine Australia Solidarity Association (PASA), Social Justice and Community Ministries of Dandenong Trinity Uniting Church, Independent and Peaceful Australia Network (IPAN), Tamil Refugee Council, FEGTA (Filipino Elderly Get Together Association), Five Fifty Myth Band, Spirit of Eureka, Victorian Multicultural Commission, International League of Peoples’ Struggles Australia (ILPS), Philippine Caucus for Peace, Global Vision Migration,The Entrée.Pinay, Migrante NSW, Sydney Community Forum, SBS Filipino, Democracy in Colour, Migrante WA, Arlan Fajardo of Pinoy Ako Pinoy Tayo, Walter Villagonzalo, MP BronwynHalfpenny, Sanmati Verma, Christina Borromeo, Stef Ocampo, Carol Que, Cal Field, Steff Vasil, Wing Kuang, Orlan Tina, Cathy Weiss
    2,594 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Support Network for International Students
  • ACU management - consult with your staff
    On February 15, the Australian Catholic University issued the ‘Professional Services Draft Change Management Plan'which announced the loss of 110 equivalent full-time (EFT) professional staff positions - including 90 EFT positions being made redundant. We are opposed to these job cuts and believe that they are unnecessary. As well as the impacts on staff affected directly, we believe that these cuts will negatively impact the quality of teaching, research, and services. We demand that management demonstrate that all alternative savings measures have been canvassed; and explored all voluntary measures to ensure involuntary redundancy is a last resort.
    39 of 100 Signatures
    Created by National Tertiary Education Union
  • Bridgewest - policies should be clear and not contradict terms of our EBAs!
    Workers at Pfizer/ Bridgewest want to have a good working relationship with management and believe that clear policies that don't confuse or trip up workers is an important part of the relationship. We believe that the simple changes we have suggested will provide clarity and transparency, and make for easier reading for colleagues and their managers. We call on Bridgewest to amend the policies so that colleagues can be confident signing their contracts, and to create trust with their new employer.
    81 of 100 Signatures
    Created by United Workers Union