• NRL: Front up to footy players
    Without players, there is no game, and without fans, there is no profession. As a game born in the working class, there's no sport that better understands the connection between players and supporters. The RLPA is asking the NRL to treat the players with respect and return to the negotiating table – this time with a formal industrial relations mediator, which is common practice when two parties are in dispute. Despite clubs working with the RLPA, agreeing on all terms and conditions that affect clubs and players, and the RLPA not asking for a single dollar more in negotiation since December 2022, the NRL is still trying to make changes that increase their control and coercion over players, including: - Severely reducing how much negotiation the NRL has to undertake with players - The NRL dictating how many commercial partners the players and their union can have - Limiting the union's access to integrity notices, making it harder to assist players - Ownership and use of medical data, allowing the NRL to use it for any reason without express informed consent - Collection and storage of medical data that doesn't meet privacy law requirements - A range of coercive monetary controls, including reduced pay for training ground and reserve players - Adding more matches to the season schedule without agreement with the players - The NRL want to control where the RLPA can send its money on player funds and benefits Find out more at - https://www.rlpa.com.au/faqs-of-cba-dispute/
    2,777 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Unions NSW
  • We need the right to clock off and switch off!
    Balancing work and home life is essential for everyone. We all want to work hard and feel rewarded in our jobs, but we also need to spend quality time with family and friends, care for our loved ones, enjoy hobbies, exercise, and rest. For too many people, the work-life balance is off. Unpaid overtime, contact after hours, excessive workloads and understaffing are systemic issues for many workers. With constant email and phone notifications, an expectation to always be switched on, and blurring boundaries between work and home life, finding the work-life balance is harder than ever. • 70% of workers in Australia are often working outside of their scheduled hours • 64% of workers have been contacted in relation to work whilst on leave – including sick leave carers leave, annual leave, or long service leave • Workers are completing an average of 4.6 hours of unpaid overtime each week – or over a full day’s work each fortnight. That’s $460 of unpaid overtime a fortnight! It is vital that workers can switch off from work and be properly paid for their hours worked – that includes being paid to be available to respond to work-related calls and emails. We need the right to clock off and switch off. • The right to disconnect is becoming a reality across the world – in countries from France to Spain, Canada, Argentina, and Ireland. • 78% of workers support the Federal Government legislating for the right to disconnect. It’s time for Australia to act. Join our campaign for the right to clock off and switch off, so we can enjoy time with our family, loved ones and friends!
    810 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Australian Services Union
  • Learn more about why we are voting Yes with Tablelands FNQ Supporters
    At Tablelands FNQ Supporters , we believe that everyone should have a say in the issues that affect our communities. We know that when we take advice from other people with different perspectives, we can often find better solutions. Australians will all benefit from hearing the voices of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, and sharing in First Nations contributions to our national identity.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Karin Campbell
  • Bring BACK individual written feedback
    As students we should have a say in our learning conditions which is what the University is denying us. The subtraction of individual written feedback is a subtraction to our university & learning experience. This is why it is necessary to take action on stopping this ban.
    82 of 100 Signatures
    Created by La Trobe University Student Union
  • I'm Voting YES with the LTSU!
    As union members, we believe that having a voice in issues that affect us is a fundamental requirement for strong communities and a respectful country. We support the Uluru Statement from the Heart and, by extension, the Unions for Yes campaign for First Nations Constitutional recognition and a Voice to Parliament. We believe that all Australians will benefit from hearing the voices of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, and sharing in First Nations contributions to our national identity.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by La Trobe Student Union
    Without minimum living standards that is protected by legislation, students are able to be easily exploited by universities and private accommodation providers. There is also no protections of the student's bond being returned in an adequate amount of time. Housing is a human right, and everyone deserves to feel safe and empowered at home.
    192 of 200 Signatures
    Created by La Trobe Student Union
  • SSAF is for Students!
    Student Services and Amenities Fees (SSAF) at the University of Tasmania sees 81% of its funding placed into University ran departments. The current allocation of SSAF funding into University departments does not reflect the notions of Student Services and Amenities fees, being controlled by those who pay for them. We therefore call on the University to ensure at least 51% of SSAF Funding is allocated to the student association as the association that represents all students at the University of Tasmania.
    547 of 600 Signatures
    Created by TUSA State Council
  • I'm voting Yes with Women Deliver 2023
    At Women Deliver 2023, we believe that everyone should have a say in the issues that affect our communities. We know that when we take advice from other people with different perspectives, we can often find better solutions. Australians will all benefit from hearing the voices of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, and sharing in First Nations contributions to our national identity.
    38 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Women Deliver 2023
  • LGEA For YES!
    At the LGEA, we believe that everyone should have a say in the issues that affect our communities. We support the Uluru Statement from the Heart and, by extension, the Unions for Yes campaign for First Nations Constitutional recognition and a Voice to Parliament. We believe that all Australians will benefit from hearing the voices of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, and sharing in First Nations contributions to our national identity.
    13 of 100 Signatures
    Created by LGEA - Local Government Engineers Association Picture
  • I'm Voting YES in Jagajaga
    At I'm Voting YES in Jagajaga, we believe that everyone should have a say in the issues that affect our communities. We know that when we take advice from other people with different perspectives, we can often find better solutions. Australians will all benefit from hearing the voices of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, and sharing in First Nations contributions to our national identity.
    18 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Scott Donnelly
  • BSL for YES
    At BSL we believe everyone should have a meaningful say over the issues their daily lives. Input from those directly impacted by decisions and policies results in better solutions. Australians will all benefit from hearing the voices of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People and sharing in First Nations contributions to our national identity.
    28 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Brotherhood of St. Laurence
  • Dump Philip Lowe
    Australian workers and their families are struggling, but Reserve Bank Governor Philip Lowe doesn't seem to care at all. Lowe has hit us with 12 interest rate rises in just over a year. Whether you rent or whether you have a mortgage, Australians are paying more for housing while our wages keep falling behind and the cost of everything else spirals out of control. Lowe says workers need to cop the impact of inflation, and he explicitly argues against wage rises for workers at every opportunity. He's a blunt instrument and we need fresh thinking. Lowe has to Gowe.
    70 of 100 Signatures
    Created by We Are Union