• Save teachers' jobs!
    Visiting teachers play a crucial role in supporting students, staff, and families. Cutting many of these roles will directly affect students’ learning and wellbeing. Premier Andrews and Minister Hutchins must stop these cuts and instead invest in teachers and students. Visiting Teachers are highly trained experts who work directly with students with disability and complex needs. They support students who are vision and hearing impaired, have physical disabilities, autism, and health impairments. Visiting teachers also work alongside classroom teachers providing advice and support, and model best practice. In addition, they provide direct support to families so their children can access school and thrive. Premier Andrews - you said that you would not cut frontline jobs but by sacking teachers that is exactly what you and your government are planning to do. By adding your name to the petition together we can tell the Premier and Education Minister to reverse this decision immediately.
    6,692 of 7,000 Signatures
    Created by AEU Victoria
  • Honour the deal
    Angelo Gavrielatos, the President of the NSW Teacher’s Federation stated: “We struck a deal not once, but twice,”. “The teachers of this state have been gutted by what can only be described as an act of betrayal. Never before has a government walked away from a deal in the way that we are experiencing now. Our message is very simple; honour the agreement,” The children of NSW are losing out on their education every day as classes are merged or left with minimal supervision due to a shortage of teachers. NSW can’t retain the teachers it has or attract the teachers it needs while these essential workers remain underpaid and overworked. The NSW Labor Government must come to it’s senses, live up to the promises it’s made workers and honour the deal. Sign the petition to show your support for our teachers and your children’s future.
    8,594 of 9,000 Signatures
    Created by Unions NSW
  • Same Super for Brisbane City Council Casual & Trainee Bus Drivers
    Casual and trainee bus drivers are some of the lowest-paid Council employees and the current superannuation arrangements mean they get less retirement savings than others. They work just as hard as permanent employees and they deserve the same superannuation rates.
    232 of 300 Signatures
    Created by RTBU QLD Branch
  • Australians for YES!
    We believe that everyone should have a say in the issues that affect our communities. We know that when we take advice from other people with different perspectives, we can often find better solutions. Australians will all benefit from hearing the voices of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, and sharing in First Nations contributions to our national identity.
    3,814 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by Australians for YES!
  • I'm voting Yes with the IEU
    At the IEU, we believe that everyone should have a say in the issues that affect their communities. As unionists we know the importance of being listened to – and that when we listen to those impacted by our decisions, we get better results. That’s why this referendum is Union business. A Yes vote will be a powerful and unifying moment for our country. Proudly pledge your support today!
    125 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Independent Education Union Victoria Tasmania
  • Monash students for Yes!
    We believe that everyone should have a say in the issues that affect our communities. We know that when we take advice from other people with different perspectives, we can often find better solutions. Australians will all benefit from hearing the voices of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, and sharing in First Nations contributions to our national identity.
    17 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Monash students
  • NRL: Front up to footy players
    Without players, there is no game, and without fans, there is no profession. As a game born in the working class, there's no sport that better understands the connection between players and supporters. The RLPA is asking the NRL to treat the players with respect and return to the negotiating table – this time with a formal industrial relations mediator, which is common practice when two parties are in dispute. Despite clubs working with the RLPA, agreeing on all terms and conditions that affect clubs and players, and the RLPA not asking for a single dollar more in negotiation since December 2022, the NRL is still trying to make changes that increase their control and coercion over players, including: - Severely reducing how much negotiation the NRL has to undertake with players - The NRL dictating how many commercial partners the players and their union can have - Limiting the union's access to integrity notices, making it harder to assist players - Ownership and use of medical data, allowing the NRL to use it for any reason without express informed consent - Collection and storage of medical data that doesn't meet privacy law requirements - A range of coercive monetary controls, including reduced pay for training ground and reserve players - Adding more matches to the season schedule without agreement with the players - The NRL want to control where the RLPA can send its money on player funds and benefits Find out more at - https://www.rlpa.com.au/faqs-of-cba-dispute/
    2,777 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Unions NSW
  • Learn more about why we are voting Yes with Tablelands FNQ Supporters
    At Tablelands FNQ Supporters , we believe that everyone should have a say in the issues that affect our communities. We know that when we take advice from other people with different perspectives, we can often find better solutions. Australians will all benefit from hearing the voices of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, and sharing in First Nations contributions to our national identity.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Karin Campbell
  • Bring BACK individual written feedback
    As students we should have a say in our learning conditions which is what the University is denying us. The subtraction of individual written feedback is a subtraction to our university & learning experience. This is why it is necessary to take action on stopping this ban.
    83 of 100 Signatures
    Created by La Trobe University Student Union
  • I'm Voting YES with the LTSU!
    As union members, we believe that having a voice in issues that affect us is a fundamental requirement for strong communities and a respectful country. We support the Uluru Statement from the Heart and, by extension, the Unions for Yes campaign for First Nations Constitutional recognition and a Voice to Parliament. We believe that all Australians will benefit from hearing the voices of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, and sharing in First Nations contributions to our national identity.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by La Trobe Student Union
    Without minimum living standards that is protected by legislation, students are able to be easily exploited by universities and private accommodation providers. There is also no protections of the student's bond being returned in an adequate amount of time. Housing is a human right, and everyone deserves to feel safe and empowered at home.
    193 of 200 Signatures
    Created by La Trobe Student Union
  • SSAF is for Students!
    Student Services and Amenities Fees (SSAF) at the University of Tasmania sees 81% of its funding placed into University ran departments. The current allocation of SSAF funding into University departments does not reflect the notions of Student Services and Amenities fees, being controlled by those who pay for them. We therefore call on the University to ensure at least 51% of SSAF Funding is allocated to the student association as the association that represents all students at the University of Tasmania.
    547 of 600 Signatures
    Created by TUSA State Council