• Tell Wilson to stop ripping off their security guards
    UPDATE: Norm is now taking on Wilson Security in the Federal Court in Canberra. Show Norm you've got his back on March 8 at 10:00am - more details: http://bit.ly/2Ce2LcK "Together with my union, United Voice, I've tried, over and over again, to get Wilson security to stop stealing from their employees. It is systemic wage theft, from people who really can't afford to lose any money. I'm losing more than three thousand dollars a year - and there are hundreds of people just like me. "Most security guards are on really low wages. The whole industry tends to work on rotating rosters - four days on, four days off. A lot of security companies try to save money by scheduling overtime shifts on Sundays. But Wilson Security has gone a step further - they're picking and choosing when 'overtime' shifts occur - so they can avoid paying overtime. 500 security guards are being ripped off in the ACT alone.
    232 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Norm, United Voice member
  • Play fair with our home care: keep it council run
    Council-run home care enables those in need to live independently at home for as long possible by providing domestic assistance; personal care; respite care; property maintenance; nursing and allied health and social support. The workforce is stable, well trained and committed to providing quality services. Federal policy changes due to come into effect in 2020 threaten the Victorian home care system. Without local government our home care would be poorer - poorer in quality standards, poorer for lack of skilled and experienced workforce and poorer for the loss of $200 million in funding. It is not too late to make policy changes that will protect our system. FEEDBACK ON THE CURRENT SYSTEM: “I’m not as fit as I used to be and now the council provide a carer to help me out but it is the company we old folk get from the staff that attend. You need just see a friendly face and cheery hello, it makes such a difference, we have no one to talk to most days. So the council staff really work miracles. ” “It has been very difficult for my sister to look after my dad who has dementia in the South Australian HACC system which is decentralized. If anything there has been more cut backs and limited support – unless you have the money to pay. Victoria’s council run services are so much better. People who have home carers are able to stay in their own homes and receive better quality care and the carers have better support networks. Councils are vital in funding and staffing.” “I really think it is so important the Council continue to play a role in home care for our community. I’m concerned that this new model will look like the RESI Youth Care System which failed. Council’s have highly skilled staff to run Home and Community Care.” “The chap Arthur who takes us shopping on Thursday is a very good man, he lifts all the shopping on and off the bus and the young lady Emily is the name, she takes us to a market even sometimes with Arthur. There we stroll around with our friends from the bus and have a cup of tea. Yes these people you have on your staff are really something and this we thank Council for. The bus comes to your door and you see the cheery faces of the helpers, it makes your day.” #PlayFairwithHomeCare
    430 of 500 Signatures
    Created by ASU Vic Tas
  • Aurizon – Stick to your word, Keep Rocky Workshops Open!
    The Rail Workshops in Rockhampton have provided life-long careers for generations, stimulating the regional economy and building a proud legacy in the community. When these jobs are taken out of the community and out sourced to contractors to save Aurizon a few dollars, entire families will be forced to relocate. In their OWN Community Engagement Charter, Aurizon state their “Commitment to the principal of ZEROHarm in the communities Aurizon operates within.” They also talk about how they strive to "Foster supportive long-term positive relationships with the communities in which we operate" and that they "respectfully consider community feedback". Aurizon have failed to meet their own standards & policy in how they have gone about closing these workshops. Stick by your word, don’t desert our community and take vital jobs with you - Keep the Rockhampton Railway Workshops open like you promised!
    110 of 200 Signatures
    Created by RTBU QLD Branch Picture
  • Cleaners deserve jobs we can count on!
    I'm Judith, and I've been a cleaner for a long time. I've never seen anything like this. In the government's new contract, there’s no jobs guarantee – meaning 7,000 cleaners will all be forced to reapply for our jobs, without entitlements like sick leave that we’ve built up over years of service. And there’s no hours guarantee – which we can’t afford, and also means we won’t be able to keep state schools and public buildings clean. We’ve only got until the end of the year to change this, so please add your name to tell the Premier that cleaners need job security - the more of us who speak out together, the louder our voices are!
    5,300 of 6,000 Signatures
    Created by Judith Barber
  • Send Cathy McGowan a message - Stand up for penalty rates
    Independant Member for Indi, Cathy McGowan, likes to pretend she's a friend of workers. She likes to pretend she stands up for decent wages and conditions, and that she's different from the Liberals. In the coming weeks, she has a chance to put her money where her mouth is. There are members of the Coalition likely to cross the floor and Cathy will be a deciding vote. She can choose to protect penalty rates or she can choose to slash the wages of 700,000 Australians. Cuts to penalty rates can be stopped if people like Cathy McGowan do the right thing.
    772 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Victorian Trades Hall Council Picture
  • Revert Footpath Seating Hours - Bronte Beach
    The 7 am opening better suits early morning swimmers and beach users.
    218 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Hannah More
    Tasmania’s salmon industry supports 5,000 jobs across the state – and most are in regional areas where jobs are already hard to come by. The Salmon industry has the potential to support many more local Tassie families, if it has the support of government. Demand for seafood will more than double over the next 15 years, which is a huge opportunity for our state. Tasmania produces environmentally sustainable salmon, employing unionised workers with quality jobs. But all this is at risk, if politicians give in to the anti-fish fanatics – it could mean thousands of Tasmanians will lose their livelihoods. Too much is at stake. Send this letter to the Tasmanian Premier to show your support for keeping Salmon jobs in Tassie.
    160 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Tassie Salmon
  • Deliver Stage 2 of the ACT Light Rail
    Stage 1 of the Light Rail project has provided workers with some of the best pay and conditions in the ACT. Many workers believed this project would provide years of work, but this Government has not made your job security its priority. Stage 2 is years away at the current rate but by early next year, layoffs are going to begin and the project is due to finish in March of 2018. Without a commitment from the Government to act, many workers will be looking for a new job, just before Christmas. It is no secret that the CFMEU members campaigned for and delivered Stage 1 and will do the same to deliver Stage 2. Our petition will be presented to the Chief Minister, Andrew Barr to show that there are real lives and real families depending on this job. Sign the petition to help secure your job!
    23 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Construction Forestry Maritime Mining and Energy Union
  • Keep parking at Westfield Southland free
    Westfield is a multinational company that makes billions of dollars in profit a year, forcing staff and loyal customers pay for parking is just greedy. Retail and hospitality workers at Westfield Southland work long and late shifts, in low income roles. It is unsafe to force them to park offsite and unfair to force them to pay commercial rates of parking, as high as $1300 a year. This is a cost that workers cannot afford and do not deserve.
    242 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Felicity S, local resident
  • University of Tasmania: Students deserve a safe campus!
    Despite signing onto the Universities' Australia Respect Now always campaign only last year, and making a commitment to the ongoing Australian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) project aimed at stamping out sexual assault on campus, the University of Tasmania (UTas) is actively welcoming a convicted sex offender on campus. Nicholaas Bester, who is currently a Phd student at the University of Tasmania (UTas) Sandy Bay campus, was convicted and jailed in 2011 for sexually abusing a 15 year old student at St. Michaels Collegiate girls college, where he was head of science. At the time of his parole, Bester was admitted to UTas as a student and received a phd scholarship. In 2015 Bester stated on social media his first crime was 'awesome' in a conversation so offensive it was reported to Tasmania Police and resulted in him being charged with producing child exploitation material. He served a prison sentence for this in 2016, during which time he remained a student at UTas. Despite multiple complaints being made about Besters presense on campus, the University of Tasmania has put students at risk by: - Accepting Bester as a resident in the John Fisher student accommodation complex, where he lived in close proximity with many students. - Making no attempt to terminate Bester’s student status after he was reported to the police for predatory behaviour at the University gymnasium. At the time, an agreement was made with Bester that he would no longer attend the gym, but UTas continued to accommodate him on campus. When questioned, the university deputy vice-chancellor for research, Bridgid Heywood said that "there is nothing in the universities' rules which precludes Bester from continuing his research." However, this appears to ignore the university behaviour policy which states that all staff and students have a right to work and / or study in an environment that is free from inappropriate behaviour, including the sexually harassing and abusive behaviours which Bester has engaged in. The universities decision to support Bester's phd status despite his continued criminal and inappropriate behaviour poses a clear threat to other university students, and in particular the underage students whom attend campus for pre-university units. This is ironic given the university sectors national commitment to creating safer campus environments after the release of the national union of students women's survey last year which showed that over 72% of women experience some form of sexual harassment or violence while studying . Sign the petition to demand that the University respect their commitment to improve student safety, by immediately terminating Nicholaas Bester's Phd scholarship, and banning him from attending all University of Tasmania campuses. *Under Federal and state legislation, universities' are autonomous self-accrediting institutions. The university has the authority to terminate a phd student position according to its own policies.
    3,568 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by Heidi La Paglia
  • Student Control Over Swinburne Clubs
    A change in governance will mean no more lengthy processes for clubs, no more delays in club payments, meaning no more cancellations of annual events, and will also allow consistent and responsive communication. This not only gives students an increased opportunity to upskill outside of their course, but a smoother, more functional management system that will lead to more campus culture. Leave your experience with SSAA in the comments below!
    214 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Ana Tinc
  • Don't discount wages!
    Thousands of Australians rely on the advice and support of professional pharmacists every single day. Pharmacists work weekends because illness can strike at any time. They shouldn’t be punished because they put the health of the community first. Plus, the Chemist Warehouse Group is very successful, it sells $4 billion worth of medicines, vitamins and beauty products each year, so why not pay staff fairly?
    652 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Professional Pharmacists Australia