• Save regional Dairy jobs!
    Murray Goulburn’s proposal to close factories in Kiewa and Rochester, and also Edith Creek in Tasmania, and lay off more than 300 workers will have devastating effects on workers, families and regional communities. The proposal has been justified on the basis of wiping farmers’ debt. However, the farmers’ debts resulted from bad, short term decision making by the previous CEO and board of Murray Goulburn. Regional workers and families should not have to bear the brunt of Murray Goulburn’s mistakes. It is disingenuous to claim Murray Goulburn is helping farmers while devastating regional communities. Once again Murray Goulburn appears to be making short sighted decisions. While the decision to close sites may offer short term relief to Murray Goulburn, it will have long term damaging implications for regional communities, the dairy industry and farmers. I call on the Victorian Government to urgently convene a meeting with Murray Goulburn, the NUW and other stakeholders where the full and long term effects of this proposal can be discussed and alternative proposals considered. I call on Murray Goulburn to support the regional communities that have supported you for years, and commit to attending and participating in the meeting.
    1,329 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by National Union of Workers Picture
  • Australia must accept Gay and Bisexual refugees from Chechnya
    As the Government is aware, homosexual men are being rounded up and held in concentration camps. We understand that they are being tortured and killed by Chechnyan authorities. Chechnyan leaders are also calling for families to kill their gay relatives. Some are managing to escape Chechnya, but persecution against LGBTI people is ongoing in Russia, and offers no safe haven. We cannot standby and watch as gay people are killed by their own Governments which should be protecting their rights. As an open and accepting society, and under its human rights obligations, Australia should offer refuge to any LGBT asylum seekers fleeing from these forms of persecution. We can create a safe place for these men to live without fear and persecution. The Australian Government needs to act now!
    606 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Barry Mckay
  • Hands Off Penalty Rates
    I’m Selina and I work at my local club in Queensland. At the moment I still get penalty rates, which helps pay my rent and put food on the table. But on July 28 Clubs Australia made a submission to the Fair Work commission to axe our Clubs Award and move club workers and managers onto the hospitality award, where penalty rates have already been cut. My husband and I are trying to save for IVF. But penalty rate cuts will make it even harder to put a little bit aside each week so we can reach our dream of starting a family. https://youtu.be/LzSP4EYQz20 Losing penalty rates will make life a lot harder for us. It’s a pay cut I can’t afford and I don't deserve. Keeping the Clubs Award means maintaining weekend rates for clubs workers as well as the safety net of pay and conditions for club managers and staff, from the person pouring your beer, to chefs, waiters, ops and duty managers. Clubs hold a special place in our communities. They provide good local jobs, are run by members, and put profits back into the community. We need to stand together to say “Clubs Australia, we want to keep the Clubs Award and protect the penalty rates, pay and conditions of clubs workers and managers”.
    6,113 of 7,000 Signatures
    Created by Selina, Club Worker Picture
  • Stop the War on Students
    https://youtu.be/RdeFLgDFCts The Liberals have already made it clear who the first victims of the 2017 budget will be. It’s young people who will have money taken out of their pockets. It's students who will face higher fees and more debt, studying in underfunded institutions. It's universities put under even more financial pressure and asked to offer more. These changes will mean an 8% fee hike, earlier HECS repayments for students and funding cuts for universities. And all of it to pay for billions of dollars of hand-outs to multinationals. Similar cuts and policies were defeated time and time again under Tony Abbott. Students ran a massive campaign and we are ready to do it again. Find out more about our campaign here: https://www.facebook.com/makeeducationfreeagain/ For more information regarding the changes: http://thenewdaily.com.au/money/your-budget/2017/05/01/budget-2017-university-degrees/
    7,775 of 8,000 Signatures
    Created by Sophie Johnston and Anneke Demanuele
  • No Offshoring at Westpac Lockleys Broker Partnership Unit (BPU)
    Every Westpac employee contributed to the bank achieving $7.45 billion profit last year. Westpac can afford to invest in Australian jobs and skills. That’s the way to support Australia!
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ellie Sibbald
  • Send an SOS to Asahi
    A secure, permanent job in regional Australia means a lot. It means you can apply for a home loan, start a family, send the kids to university or just plan a holiday once in a while. A secure permanent job in regional Australia means you can put down roots and start planning a future. In fact, secure, permanent jobs are essential for regional communities to survive and flourish. The Albury-Wodonga community embraced multi-national Asahi setting up a factory in their region three years ago. But now, over 50 % of workers at Asahi in Albury-Wodonga are still stuck in insecure casual work. Many of these casual workers have been loyal to Asahi for over two years. It is time for Asahi to show some loyalty back to these workers and to the Albury-Wodonga community by providing 40 workers with permanent jobs. Workers at the Asahi factory in Albury-Wodonga are currently negotiating their new workplace agreement. Casual workers at Asahi want to live with less stress and want to feel valued at work. That's why a key claim in negotiations is 40 new permanent jobs for casual workers at Asahi. You can support them by sending a letter to the Asahi Group CEO in Japan to help build support for these regional workers. When casual workers were asked how a permanent job would improve their lives, they said: “I could apply for a home loan”, “start a family”, “put kids through university” or just “go on a family holiday”. A permanent job means you are “valued at work” and “less stressed” at home. Importantly, a permanent job will allow workers to put down roots and start planning a future in Albury-Wodonga. Use this message to send your letter. You might want to personalise the letter; maybe you live in the region, or you have also experienced casual work, maybe you know one of the workers - there may be a number of reasons that this is important to you - add your own message and let Asahi headquarters know why they should ensure 40 new permanent jobs in Albury-Wodonga.
    689 of 800 Signatures
    Created by National Union of Workers
  • Respect is the rule: stop rampant sexual harassment in hospitality!
    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uEJMSOPGBqY&feature=youtu.be I’m Cass, and I’m a bartender. I love my job - but some of my experiences over the last six years working in hospitality have made me feel powerless, vulnerable and simply terrified. When I was 14 working at a cafe, my boss used to corner me and smack my arse. His excuse? “Oh, the kitchen is small.” When I worked as a bartender, my boss tried to make a $100 bet on what colour underwear I was wearing. Another time a customer tried to pay me $400 for sex. That customer came in everyday after work and would harass me - and my boss did nothing because “they’re good drinkers”. These are just a few of my stories, but I know this kind of disgusting harassment is widespread in our industry. For thousands of us, this is a regular part of our working lives - and it’s got to stop. Together, we can send a powerful message to the hospitality industry: we’re human beings, and we deserve respect. Sign our pledge and share it with your friends.
    1,407 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Sorcha Harrop, bartender
  • Stop the wage theft of school cleaners
    I am one of thousands of school cleaners in Victoria. We’re proud of our hard work keeping our schools clean and bright for the students, teachers and parents of Victoria. We are already some of the lowest paid workers in the state. We have families and lives too. We don’t deserve this kind of treatment. We deserve respect, and good secure jobs. Please stand with us and ask Premier Andrews to do the right thing by your school cleaners.
    1,543 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Lorraine Bird Picture
  • 10 years overdue - Portable Long Service Leave for SACS workers
    SACS workers deliver services aimed at helping family violence survivors, providing help to people with alcohol and drug issues, as well as working to help youth in residential care and individuals overcoming mental health problems, among many other services. It is a sector that is underfunded, where the demand for services is endless and in which we are responsible for the well-being of the most vulnerable Victorians. Despite the importance of our work, the pay is low, there are few promotional opportunities and we deal daily with the stresses contact with clients in personal crisis inevitably brings. The State Government has commissioned a feasibility study to look into a portable long service leave scheme for social and community service workers. This government has the opportunity to make our lives a little bit easier. Please add your name in support of our campaign that will care for the carers.
    2,204 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by ASU Vic Tas
  • Support Australian Chocolate Jobs
    We represent thousands of workers in the confectionary industry. Right now these workers are working hard to deliver good quality chocolate eggs to families this Easter. Senator Pauline Hanson has urged people to stop buying Australian made chocolate Easter Eggs because they are Halal-certified. At Cadbury alone, there are 1100 workers across Victoria and Tasmania We need to your help to tell Pauline Hanson to support Australian confectionary workers. Thousands of jobs are at stake. Senator Hanson can't be allowed to jeopardise thousands of Australian jobs just to make a cheap headline.
    64 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Australian Manufacturing Workers' Union
  • Protect Public Pathology
    SA Pathology is the backbone of public health in South Australia. Pathology is involved in 70% of medical treatment decisions, and 60% of Australians will require pathology services at least once a year. Despite this, the South Australian Government wants to cut hundreds of jobs from your public pathology service. When jobs are cut in pathology, people don’t just lose their jobs, diagnosis is delayed and South Australians will stay sicker for longer. Our medical scientists study and diagnose diseases such as meningococcal and leukemia, and work directly with our doctors to better treat patients and find a cure. Pathology services are core to the delivery of an efficient functioning health service yet the South Australian Government plans to seriously compromise this by cutting hundreds of jobs. Simply put, cutting 278 jobs from SA Pathology is dangerous, short sighted and will only result in costly delays in diagnosis. We know that the sooner a patient can be diagnosed, the quicker they can begin the right treatment plan and recover. It is time for the Minister Jack Snelling to value medical science and protect public pathology.
    2,343 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Kimberley Rowney
  • Fix the Parking Mess!
    The cost of securing a parking spot at Monash is ridiculous, with permit and ticket prices rising significantly on an annual basis. A FREE carpooling service was introduced as an incentive for students to drive to university together. The reduced number of vehicles would lower Monash's carbon footprint, as well as free up parking spots across campus. Last year the university imposed a fee on the carpooling service, and as such it is being severely underutilised. The infringement system at Monash is also increasingly costly and harsh. The university are charging more for fines, and while first time offenders and ambiguous offences are issued infringement notices straight off the bat, the appeal process is so unduly rigid that it's almost impossible to successfully challenge an alleged offence. The cost of attending university alone is enormous. We do not need the added pressure of paying hundreds of dollars for parking when we're not even guaranteed a spot. Do One Thing Monash, fix the parking mess!
    380 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Monash Student Association Picture