• All staff deserve employer-paid parental leave
    The current system creates inequities within the workforce, and can lead to serious hardship on families experiencing psychological and financial stress. The careers of women and primary carers can also be negatively impacted. "I returned to work at the ANU ten days after giving birth to my son. My family needed the income, but it wasn’t just this – I also needed to secure my next contract. It was important for me that my supervisors were happy with my performance and recommended me for my next contract. This was a very difficult time. I had psychological health problems. I felt guilty about leaving my son, and would try to see him to breastfeed on my lunchbreaks" (Professional staff member at ANU). By adopting employer-paid parental leave for all staff, ANU will keep pace with other universities in the sector who already provide paid parental leave on either a full or pro-rata basis for their staff. It will also help to: • Reduce financial stress on the families of staff who are experiencing loss of their weekly income to care for their children. • Reduce risks to maternal and child health from returning to work early, and support international guidelines on breastfeeding. • Contribute to ANU’s gender equality goals that aims to ensure all staff, regardless of their identity or sexual orientation, can contribute to their child’s wellbeing. Read the open letter to Vice-Chancellor Brian Schmidt from the NTEU Women's Action Network at nteu.org.au/anu/wan.
    438 of 500 Signatures
    Created by NTEU Women’s Action Network (ANU)
  • Reverse paid parking on Marine Terrace
    The City of Fremantle has recently made the decision to introduce paid parking on Marine Terrace and change time restrictions at South Beach, Mews Rd and the east side of Marine Terrace. Media releases from the Council and public posts detailed the purpose of this change is to discourage commuter and student parking, to clear up space for beach goers and increase the reliability of parking for those parties. It is our belief these changes will highly reduce the reliability and affordability of parking not only for visitors of Fremantle and commuters, but also to the university students of Fremantle, who bring life to the West End. Not only will these changes affect the welfare and livelihood of the students, it will affect their ability to attend lectures and stay all day in the city; eating at local cafes and engaging with local businesses due to time, accessibility and financial pressures. Through the surveys and testimonies of students, and the statements produced by the City of Fremantle, it has been demonstrated to the NDSA that the parking along Marine Terrace is relied upon by many of our students, whom have now seen the introduction of a daily fee with no promise of more reliable and accessible parking solutions. We also believe the introduction of this paid parking will lead to more commuters and students parking in free zones such as South Beach and local streets, only increasing the pressure in these areas for beach-goers and locals.
    585 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Notre Dame Student Association Picture
  • Stop the Ramsay Centre at UQ
    UQ management's current negotiations with the Ramsay Foundation - a conservative organisation that proposes to fund programs and majors in “Western Civilisation” threaten academic freedom at UQ, UQ's national and international reputation and the university's commitment to equity and diversity. The published statements of Ramsay Centre board members make clear that it is an explicitly political-ideological enterprise dedicated to promoting a particular, uncontested view of “Western Civilisation” expressly counterposed to current practices and approaches at UQ. Why is this important? NTEU members, staff and students at UQ are determined that the proposed centre will not go ahead. The project would allow Ramsay representatives to have decision making power on the hiring for staff teaching into the program. This is an attempt to pay cash for a University curriculum that serves conservative political ends. UQ must reject Ramsay and demonstrate that we are NOT FOR SALE. Call on the Vice Chancellor, Chancellor and the Senate to reject the proposed Ramsay Centre! Sign the petition below:
    770 of 800 Signatures
    Created by NTEU UQ Branch
  • No Mind Left Behind
    Campus counselling services usually cap the number of sessions offered to individual students each year. As mental health support off-campus isn’t accessible to many students, this locks them out of mental healthcare either entirely or for extended periods. Counselling sessions at universities must be uncapped. Campus counselling services rarely hire enough staff to meet student demand, forcing students to wait weeks or even months to book sessions with no mental healthcare while they wait. Universities must adequately staff counselling services to keep wait times for sessions below two weeks. Some campus counselling services prevent students from booking sessions at all through walk-in only policies. In other services bookings can be made but only in person, not online or over the phone. But for many students with mental ill health or various disabilities, such policies prevent them from accessing sessions at all. Students must be able to book sessions in advance and through accessible methods. At some campus counselling services students have no choice of counsellor, they're stopped from changing counsellors as needed or forced to change counsellors against their wishes, neither of which is conducive to effective mental healthcare. Students must be allowed to choose counsellors according to their needs. Many campus counselling services don’t provide specialist services relevant to students’ needs, such as counsellors trained to support students with experiences of sexual assault, trauma, and psychological conditions other than depression and anxiety. Universities must provide counsellors with training relevant to the mental health issues students are affected by. Universities largely fail to promote campus counselling services to all students. Many promote services inconsistently during peak times like orientation and exams but not all year, and promotion often targets first years but not other students. Universities must do more to promote services and regularly integrate promotion into communications with students.
    513 of 600 Signatures
    Created by NUS Disabilities Picture
  • More Affordable Housing for ANU Students
    Whilst the ANU has made great strides to tackle the complicated issue of providing accommodation for a growing student population, there are still many pressing and urgent issues for postgraduate students that must be addressed. There are still postgraduate students being exploited by predatory landlords, skipping meals to pay for the bare necessities, and sleeping rough in the library and their offices to ensure that they have a safe place to sleep at night. In recognising that the ANU is providing additional accommodation for students in the upcoming years, it is not merely enough to have this accommodation available, it also needs to be accessible, affordable and adequate. Additionally, to meet the first-year guarantee, second- and third-year students will need to seek accommodation off-campus in a city that was just named the most expensive rent market in Australia.
    413 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Terese Corkish
  • Immediately transfer all refugee children and their families from Nauru to Australia
    Scott Morrison has the power to immediately end the suffering of refugee children, their families and others seeking asylum who are stuck in limbo on Nauru. They are being further traumatised every day that he refuses to not act in their interests. As a nation we cannot stand by and allow innocent children on Nauru continue to live in misery which prevents them from accessing a future all children deserve. The Prime Minister must stop putting his own political interests ahead of the welfare of those asylum seekers who rely on us to give them hope and safety. As educators we owe it to these children to put our full support behind them and tell the federal Liberal government to act with humanity and compassion, not hatred and division. By signing the letter to the Prime Minister you can stand with educators around Australia demanding that Scott Morrison acts.
    10,939 of 15,000 Signatures
    Created by Australian Education Union & Independent Education Union of Australia
  • Cut the Restructure, Not the Jobs!
    Professional and academic staff are integral to the quality of our education. Research higher degree and undergraduate students will both be negatively impacted by this proposed restructure, as already pressured staff are put more under the pump with increased workload and reduced support. FUSA Student Council would also wish to acknowledge the huge financial and emotional burden on staff and their loved ones that comes with job insecurity.
    652 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Josh - FUSA Education Officer Picture
  • Stop funding private providers at the expense of TAFEs
    Vulnerable young people, the unemployed and retrenched workers looking to retrain deserve the quality education that Victorian TAFEs provide. Together we can send a strong message to the major political parties ahead of the November state election to make sure they commit to allocating at least 70 percent of vocational education funding to public TAFEs.
    1,233 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by AEU
  • Victorian schools need 1600 new teachers every year.
    More teachers means more literacy and numeracy support, help for those students with learning difficulties and providing extension work for children and young people who need it. It also means teachers would have more time to plan and prepare to support the learning of every student. Together we can send a strong message to the major political parties ahead of the November state election to make sure they commit to funding 1600 additional teachers every year to give every Victorian child the quality education they deserve.
    906 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by AEU
  • Save UTAS Security Jobs
    Security officers at the University of Tasmania (UTAS) are facing potential job losses because of a contract change from Spotless to Wilson. There is no guarantee that current security staff will keep their jobs; they have to reapply for their positions. Some security officers have worked at UTAS for over 13 years and are now faced with having no job, and if they are hired by Wilson there is no guarantee that they will have permanent employment or the same amount of hours. Other security officers are long-term casuals, with some working at UTAS for over 9 years without job security. These guards now face the prospect of no job, no entitlements and no redundancy. Wilson has already advertised the positions at UTAS without meeting with the current security officers first. Security officers had some simple questions to ask WIlson, but Wilson has chosen to ignore them so now they are calling on the Vice-Chancellor of UTAS to direct Wilson to answer them and to give them a job they can count on.
    762 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Sarah Ellis
  • Stand with Educators!
    Malcolm Turnbull’s government won’t listen. He’s refused to meet with us, and he refuses to fund equal pay for educators. That’s why we’re telling politicians everywhere: we're making equal pay an election issue. Bill Shorten is potentially our next Prime Minister. We have a clear message for him: support early educators, and educators will support you. Please sign now to tell Bill Shorten to meet with me and other educators - together we're strong!
    755 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Michelle, early childhood educator
  • Save Peppertree Place
    Community members of Coburg and surrounds, value the amazing oasis for our community that has been built up within Peppertree place. The organisation is largely volunteer run and the programs have become an important part of people's lives. With many volunteers building both a support network and new skills that have lead to them finding new employment opportunities after extended periods on un employment. Some of the program at risk if Peppertree place is closed include. o A volunteer run nursery and café, which have a built a significant community of people around them. o The gardens which are used by the neighboring schools, childcare centers, health practitioners and local playgroups, o The surrounding gardens have provided a wonderful peaceful sanctuary for local residents especially those in high-density housing neighboring the Peppertree place. o The Annual fiesta has been a triumph of volunteers and brought together many local organisations and built a community around the program run on site. So please sign our petition to save Peppertree Place!
    1,287 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Eleisha Mullane